Everything was fine until spots


Well-Known Member
Looks like PH issue. What kind of soil is that? What's the soils PH? and what do you PH your feed to if you PH?
I'm taking a wild guess that you don't check.


Well-Known Member
Fox farm trio at half strength every other watering
Are you saturating til run off? and when you water do you use as much water as when feeding?

I use advanced nutrients now but I've used the FF trio for veg on my last plant. I did notice the same issue in the beginning. Do you use calmag with your watering in between feedings? Is it tap or distilled water?
Yes I water until runoff. Not always the same amount of watering each time tho. I just started calmag with my water. A gave them 2 does of it within 3 weeks. 1 teaspoon in each gallon. Water is tap set out for at least 24 hours