Eveyones Tricks and Tips on Packing and shipping


Well-Known Member
This seems to be a pretty popular topic all through the internet. I was just sitting here blazing and i hought it would be sweet to post a thread for everyone to post there tips on packing and shipping this great plant.

I my self have seen a couple of different methods used succesfully and i have also heard what people think work.

Heres what i have in fact seen work.
he wonderful plant was fisrt of all in a ziploc bag in specific quantaties. its then wrapped with about a half a roll of saran wrap. After the saran wrap comes the peanut butter layer over the previous saran wrap layer. Its then wrapped with the other half of the saran wrap. After this its then vacuume sealed twice and placed in a taped up small cooler that the lid fits into the actul cooler, no snaps, just and air type seal. The cooler is then taped up and boxed up fpr shipping.

Then iv also seen it just vacuumed sealed wrapped with bubble wrap and then just boxed up and sent.

Iv also heard never seen or used but i heard 409 is something good to wipe inbetween vacuume bags. supposedly dogs hate the smell??

Post your ticks and tips for shipping, share with everyone:peace:


New Member
If stoners reveal all their shipping secrets, then the feds will become even more efficient adversaries, because everyone knows cops are less intelligent than stoners because they don't get high.

So, the only way for it to work is for every 420 human to ship packages containing Good Herbs, so then the feds will be in the minority, and will have to stay IN prison because there is no room for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
If stoners reveal all their shipping secrets, then the feds will become even more efficient adversaries, because everyone knows cops are less intelligent than stoners because they don't get high.

So, the only way for it to work is for every 420 human to ship packages containing Good Herbs, so then the feds will be in the minority, and will have to stay IN prison because there is no room for everyone else.

HAHA fa sho! And by the way my mom was at woodstock she still has a shirt she got from that shit.... Damn i wish i was there