Exhaust Fan in a Freezer - Recommendations


Well-Known Member
So I have a 16 cubic ft upright freezer...

My question is what size/type of fan do I need ?

I am actually going to blow it out a "cat door" that is in one of those little cellar windows.......

Plant is skunk...I'm thinking I may use a homemade carbon filter at some point but I am not 100% sure on that yet......I was thinking it could help heat my cellar in the winter time....At the same time I am on a budget here...

Other than that do I need a carbon filter ? If I blow it outside the closest neighbor is about 250' away and through the woods.....

I guess what does everyone think I need for a fan with a carbon filter ? And what type of fan would I need without a carbon filter ?

Any suggestions/recommendations are appreciated....thanks :peace: :leaf: