Exhaust Help!


Active Member
Should i leave my exhaust fans on or off during the night cycle? oscillating fans are on 24/7 inside of my tents. My question is regarding exhaust fans ONLY however. How important is it to move/exchange fresh air through the tent at night or off hours? most people exhaust due to heat and also because plants need fresh air, but is this the case at night too?

its my understanding that mold forms easily at night because plants transpire more causing humidity to rise, so from this info i would consider leaving the exhaust on 24/7/

on the other hand i have been told plants give off co2 at night and that exhausting is just a waste of electricity and co2. i have been told the amount of co2 is minimal at best.

If plants really give off co2 at night do they even use it at night?


Active Member
There is no question about it, plants need air during dark time too.
I would not shut down exhaust during night.

But if you think they could cope with less, one solution could be setting a timer on the exhaust (on/off every 30 minutes?)

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Keep it running for multiple reasons. Most have been pointed out above with the most important being help with humidity control. Also, if your exhaust fan is off, wont the small leak out?