exhaust idea. would it work?


Active Member
i am currently growing in a closet that is 6ft x 2ft x 8ft. due to high temps i need some type of exhaust.

what i am thinking is to put a 150 cfm exhaust fan in the ceiling exhausting air into the attic part of the house.

then i would put a smaller intake fan either in the door of the closet or somewhere lower.

would this work, if so how many degrees would it lower. i am currently hitting about 95f with the lights on.

lemme know


Well-Known Member
That will work like a charm...you should see the temps drop alot....at least into the lower 80's. But...Im not there so I dont know for sure.

Get some circulation in there too. Oscilating fan would be fine.


Well-Known Member
The idea is a sound one and is called an 'active' intake system. Active because the air is being forced into the chamber rather than being sucked in via negative pressure in a 'passive' intake system.

However, two things. Firstly, you won't need an active intake system in that size area, secondly, your proposed fan cfm probably may not big enough for that sized area.

Although it does depend a lot on what sized lights your using and how much heat they give off and whether noise is an issue or not. If noise isn't an issue, you have the option of running the fan at full speed (I can't because of the noise) in which case a passive intake system with the 150 cfm fan may well work. If noise is an issue, then you'll have to use a fan speed controller and run the fan at about 1/2 speed, that may mean that fan is underpowered for that area.

If I were in your shoes, I'd put a shelf in at the top about 18 inches down and have the fan extracting out of that from the chamber below and hook up a carbon scrubber to the fan outlet. That will save you having to make holes in your ceiling, but it will reduce your height to 6.5 ft, which should be enough for most varieties you're likely to be growing.


Well-Known Member
Hey tyler666. I have a closet thats 8' long 8'highand 2'deep with a 400 watt hps air cool shade.I put in a ac vent at one end and I build a box and insulated it for a 200 cfm fan that exhaust in the attic.Theres a oscilating fan and two dark room vents in the door.One up high and one down low with a 30cfm muffle fan.I pull the air out of the closet through the light in to the attic.Which the attic has a {attic fan } blowing hot air out of the attic to the outside.The attic fan that pulls air out of the attic i tape together 3 of the micron fitlers and one of those air freshers so theres no plant oders going outside.Hope this helps you.PEACE


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot that before i did this it was around 98 or 95 f in there.Now it stays at 69 to 78f .The 10sec dumm ass attacks are lasting a little longer. PEACE


Well-Known Member
i am currently growing in a closet that is 6ft x 2ft x 8ft. due to high temps i need some type of exhaust.

what i am thinking is to put a 150 cfm exhaust fan in the ceiling exhausting air into the attic part of the house.

then i would put a smaller intake fan either in the door of the closet or somewhere lower.

would this work, if so how many degrees would it lower. i am currently hitting about 95f with the lights on.

lemme know
you gone need something bigger then that, about 4 times the volume of your room, so about 400cfm, plus i wouldn't vent it of into your attic, at least not without a big ass carbon filter the of same size or your entire place gone stink to hell!!! and that someone has to notice sooner then later!

the intake can be passive thru a little filter, but the outtake should not be blown into the attic, rather see if you can hock it to the chimney for example or the canalisation if possible.


Well-Known Member
tyler666, you didnt say what size light you have, but even if its a small one, like a 400, you'll need a 500 cfm fan at least. Home depot has 8" inline 500 cfm fans for $32.00 bucks. Cheap enough.

If it is a 400 watt light, this setup will keep your grow room within 3 degrees of the ambient temperature.

If your light is larger, you'll need another fan.

Using a fan on your intake is a bad idea, if you have another fan, use it on your exhaust side also.

Simply drill some holes near ground level, for an intake, your intakes should be 1.5 times the size of your exhaust.

Do this and you'll have a decent setup.


Active Member
yea videoman i saw your link on venting, so i was trying to do something like that. im using a 400w hps with 6 42w cfls on the sides. the fan im thinking about buying is 450 cfm. its only $16! think i should buy 2? or do u think 450 will cut it?


how loud is a 500 cfm normally?

heres the link to the fan: Surplus Center Item Detail


Well-Known Member
the idea is to buy big fans so that they don't have to run full power all the time, and this cuts the noise a lot. the rest you gone have to fix with mufflers and lose rockwoll but this is normally only needed with bigger ones.