experianced grower need so help


Well-Known Member
ok so i am stumped i know this isn't nute burn

i am growing in promix
my water is PHed to 6.6
under a 400w hps
temps dont go over 78

is this just a genetic trait of the plant because non of my others are doing this. i dont understand why the leaves are curling down like this they arent discolored and i am just stumped

if this is indeed a problem how could i fix it and will it effect budding?

any input would be great



Well-Known Member
wierd i have seen this on other plants, too these look like sativas, the plant i saw it on produced fine so i wouldn't be too worried, have u heard of the "crinkle" effect on DJ shorts seeds? it's just a mutation (although it is triggered by overwatering) but dosen't really affect the plant, it grows out of it.

ur pH is just a little bit higher than reccomended, is there a reason u can't bring it lower or does it just work better for u?


Well-Known Member
overwatering would be my guess, does that pot drain as well as the others? or is it in a spot in you setup that might not get as much air circulation?


Well-Known Member
no the hairs are all white
it cant be to little light because i have it under a 400w hps thats about 8 in away
i water every 3 days when pots are lite

in reference to the PH i keep it at 6.6 so that i get all the micro elements absorbed.

is it possable that its root bound i hope not but its possable


Well-Known Member
8" on a 400 w sounds too close....what it the temp next to the plant? i wana say you might be burning it

i'm not too sure tho, im fairly new at the game and have never had a scorching problem


Well-Known Member
8" on a 400 w sounds too close....what it the temp next to the plant? i wana say you might be burning it

i'm not too sure tho, im fairly new at the game and have never had a scorching problem
that would be true but i have a cool tube. temps at the canapoy dont go above 78. usually its about 75.


Well-Known Member
the upside down canoe (along with necrotic leaves) is usually quick to pick out. from the nutes you're using, i'm pretty sure it's not p. generally super p's are the only nutes that cause it.

check your runnoff ph, and check the canopy temps. try raising the light a few inches for a couple of days (i use cool tubes too, and you CAN get too close...)

sorry i can't be more help :p


Well-Known Member
what about my plant in the second picture?

is there a burn going on here or a defienicy i could really use some help.
i have used 15-30-15 1 time could that have caused it?


Well-Known Member
i also had this problem on my last grow. yellowing on the oldest most mature leaves. which looks to be your problem. i was told cal and mag deficiency, so i used epsom salts and flushed with that for 2 weeks. the plants didn't get any worse but it never seem to totally fix the problem.

hope some more experienced growers chime in as i'd like to avoid or catch this asap in my current grow.