Experianced Help Please


Active Member
strain, cronic, but also effecting other strains.
plant is between 40 and 50 days old in veg.
in pro mix
botanicare pure blend pro, 1/2 strength every third watering
cal mag, 1/2 strength every third watering
ph 6.3
temps 68f at night, 72f-78f daytime
humidity 16%
400 watt hotilux blue.
this is not my first dog and pony show..
any educated help is greatly appreciated.


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Well... It's definitely not nutrient burn.

PBP is already pretty weak, and you're using it at 1/2 strength 1/3 of the time...

I'd be running a different pH personally, but like you said: not your first time. So I'll trust you there. Have you calibrated your meter recently? Could that be an issue?

The excessively low humidity could be a contributing factor, increasing the transpiration rates, causing a calcium and potassium shortage.

New growth looks to me to have touched the light or something, that part is pretty mysterious and disconcerting and I'm not entirely certain it is environmental or nutritional.

My suggestion is to back up the light a touch, take the humidity up to 35 or so, and begin feeding more frequently. Wait for more advice though. Someone might know exactly what this is.


Active Member
thanks for your reply dude, my light is air cooled. i can put my hand on the glass. and the plant is about 15 inches away. i am baffled, i am leaning toward severe defficency or fungual infection of some sort.. i have pushed my humidity to 20-23%.???????????
thanks again. this has all happened in the last 7 days.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Fungal... I mean, maybe... but with that low humidity... Fuck. Baffling.

Your light sounds good at that height too...

If it is nutritional you can always flush and rebuild the nutrient buffer... Doesn't tell us the cause but it's a pretty reliable solution for all sorts of problems.

Sucks man.


Active Member
thanks man, i think i am going to pop em with a full load of pbp and a nice dose of cal mag, try to get some trace elements up in there.i just cant see a lock out at ph 6.3,


Active Member
they truely sick:( i would go with what phxfire says:( except it might happen again

i just buy from one nute co. then follow their nute plan to the letter (ish)

what does the root mass look like?

also u said 40-50 days old in veg ????!!! i only veg for 1-2 weeks

gl bro


Active Member
veg for a week or 2 ?????, sounds like your robbing yourself.
root mass a little small, but white as snow, just pushed my humidity up to around 30 day and night.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a Magnesium deficiency. try foliar feeding them with 1 gallon of water thoroughly mixed with 1/2 tablespoon of epsom salts. the epsom contains magnesium and the foliar feeding will relieve the problem right away, but the damage that is already done can't be fixed. Add a couple tablespoons of dolomite lime to the soil should help in the future.

thats my best advice from what I can make out in the pictures. don't worry about burning your plants with the water either, it won't happen, just make sure you don't spray the bulbs or KABOOM!


Active Member
i thought i you can burn the leaves by foliage feeding while lights are on due to the fact the water and or whatever wet solution your spraying on the leaves acts as a magnifying glass when the light hits it? i always heard it was good to have homidity 50% during veg and like 40% for flowering, i usually do about 45-50% through the whole growth.