Experimental Flowering with Humboldt's Own Products


Well-Known Member
Tonight's the night, it's time to start flowering! I'm working with unsexed plants so fingers are crossed and praying for ladies!
Please give me feedback!!!

I haven't seen much on success/failures using Humboldt County's Own Products - Bushmaster, Purple Maxx (Snow Storm), and Gravity. The guys at my hydro store have not had any reports on local usage either. I've veged my plants for a little longer then I really have room for and am trying to cut out the initial vertical growth that takes place at the start of flowering. Supposedly Bushmaster speeds up flowering time by cutting out 2 weeks, so my Maui Wowie should be 6-8 weeks away from harvest.

Tonight I added 1 ml/gal of Bushmaster to my DWC tubs and plan on leaving it in there for 48 hours. After that I'm dumping the nute solution and using the following in my tubs with distilled water, (numbers are per gallon) 7 mL GH Micro, 14 mL GH Bloom, 5 mL Liquid KoolBloom, 8 mL Hygrozyme. The idea is to run this for the first two weeks of flowering. In week three I'm going to add 3 mL/gal Purple Maxx and run for two weeks. In week four I'm also adding some unsulphured molasses to the tubs and will run til flush time. Week five I'll drop the KoolBloom and run the gravity for 7 days at 3 mL/gal and will try to raise the lights 6" (not sure how yet). Then I'll flush to the end. So what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good flight plan.

My only recommendation would be
to skip the molasses.

I've heard good things about Banana Manna,
personally have not tried it.

I have tried molasses
and it is not good in aero or dwc,
gets gooey and chance of algae,

If you want to add sugar, or flavor,
add it at the very last hours,
after a long flush of plain RO.

When your flush is finished,
drain your dwc tub,
and let the roots sit in air,
for about 1-2 hours,
then feed it RO with honey or fruit juice,
it will drink it up overnight,
then chop it down
early in the morning,
within 30 minutes of lights on.


Well-Known Member
So would you use Banana Manna and Purple Maxx together, or do you think that would be resin production overload and it would be better to go with one or the other?


Well-Known Member
More is not always better with weed.

You will have to be your own test pilot.

Start off with one additive,
and follow the mfg directions very closely.

Always start with 50% and work up,
if nothing happens.

Don't try to supercharge your plants,
they will burn and die.

If you have the correct genetics,
your plants will blast off,
even with a 50% load of nutes.


Well-Known Member
I'm now 7 days into flowering, and still no pre-flowers. The Bushmaster and the 12/12 haven't really culled the vertical growth that much. Still growing up about an inch a day. However, the plants are taking on a ton of new growth from the bottom to the top. It could also be that ppm was boosted a week ago from 600 to 900, (bushmaster and koolbloom included). No sign of nute burn and plants still look great.

11 of my plants (hawaiian/maui wowie x master kush) look very sativa-looking and the other looks like a hybrid. I thought the plants were old and big enough when I started flowering. Now I'm a little worried that I should have waited for pre-flowers until I started flowering. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Well 10 days into flowering and half of the plants have shown their sexes.

4 boys and 2 girls, no hermies

The boys are gone and the girls have a little more room now.

Probably by this weekend I'm gonna start the DWC tubs with identified females on the Purple Maxx.

Bushmaster definitely helped curb the vertical growth, plants are growing vertically less than an inch a day now as opposed to 2"-3" before the bushmaster. Secondary growth, however, has picked back up like the plants were doing after the initial topping and LST. Internode spacing on some of the plants seems to have decreased. The two confirmed females look vastly different though. The one looks pretty stretched out with greater internode spacing whilst the other is just mad bushy. Of the 8 remaining plants, the females are probably the two best plants still in there which is very exciting.


Well-Known Member
Day 15 Flowering
Day 75 since start

There's now 6 plants in the room, two per tub, three tubs. Five of the plants are confirmed females, and I feel very confident that the last one will be female as well. Looks like an even 50/50 split on the sexes. For the first week of flowering the Bushmaster seems like it curbed the vertical growth. Of course it could just be that the plants went from receiving 24 hours of light down to 12 hours of light and weren't growing as fast due to the new light cycle. Either way vertical growth went from 2 to 3 inches a day to about an inch a day. The last couple of days it seems that the plants have really started bulking up, bushing out especially. Since the removal of the 5 male plants these last few days, the ladies have done a great job of filling in just about every gap, as you can see from the picture taken looking down on the plants. They all look extremely healthy and showed no sign of nute burn since the last water change. After flushing out the Bushmaster two weeks ago, I upped the concentration to about 80% full strength which was around 900 ppm. Tomorrow the plants get fresh nutes. I plan on using the same formula as last time with the addition of 3 mL/gal Purple Maxx. I'm still hoping for two pounds, but really anything over one would be fantastic.
Here's what it looks like.



Well-Known Member
Day 66 Flowering

Hey folks it's been a while since I updated. After having a hiccup with molasses, things have gone swimmingly. Turns out this 100% Sativa strain is a long flowerer. I haven't even started the flush yet, that's still a week away. Looks like the harvest will start at about Week 11 and probably will go on to Week 13. I'll get some pictures on later. Since I last updated, here's the soup. I've been using GH Micro and GH Bloom at full strength (7 and 14 ml/gal, respectively), Hygrozyme, Liquid KoolBloom, Sugar Daddy, and Purple Maxx. Tomorrow I'm dropping the KoolBloom and Purple Maxx and finally adding in the Gravity. That'll go for a week and then it's time to flush with RO and Clearx, followed by water only until the girls tell me it's time to cut.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good flight plan.

My only recommendation would be
to skip the molasses.

I've heard good things about Banana Manna,
personally have not tried it.

I have tried molasses
and it is not good in aero or dwc,
gets gooey and chance of algae,

If you want to add sugar, or flavor,
add it at the very last hours,
after a long flush of plain RO.

When your flush is finished,
drain your dwc tub,
and let the roots sit in air,
for about 1-2 hours,
then feed it RO with honey or fruit juice,
it will drink it up overnight,
then chop it down
early in the morning,
within 30 minutes of lights on.
Always heard you are supposed to cut your plant down when the lights are off!!