Extracting THC from dead pot smokers???


Well-Known Member
I have heard that this is possible... just like extracting thc from bong water...

would someone please die then step forward and donate your body for THC extraction?

or would you have to step forward first then donate your body then die?


Well-Known Member
Ok I have been working on a way... have one volunteer to donate... do we have a smoker tester?? :)

Total Head

Well-Known Member
that's a fun idea. sometimes if someone asks how much i smoke i'll say "if you set me on fire the whole building would catch a contact".

on a serious note i don't think that any mortal human is capable of being so full of thc that it could be extracted for any usable purpose after death. we should all test this theory...


Well-Known Member

I don't think it works this way. Your body quickly breaks THC down as it is metabolized. Even IF this could be done, I sincerely doubt there is enough THC in a dead stoner to make it worth while.:neutral:


Well-Known Member

I don't think it works this way. Your body quickly breaks THC down as it is metabolized. Even IF this could be done, I sincerely doubt there is enough THC in a dead stoner to make it worth while.:neutral:

ok... so what your saying or what I am hearing is... when need FRESHLY dead bodies??? :)


Well-Known Member
ok... so what your saying or what I am hearing is... when need FRESHLY dead bodies??? :)
lol! Sure, why not. :eyesmoke:

I'm fairly sure you're joking, but in the event you are serious, this is simply not feasible. There is not enough THC in a person's body, even shortly after consumption because all the weed he/she smoked up until that point has already been metabolized. Your body doesn't store up THC, it stores up the metabolites, which are the byproducts of THC after your buzz wears off. I'm guessing that a single trichome would probably have more THC in it than Bob Marley's corpse when it was freshly deceased.:wink: