Extremely bad germination rate in rockwool


Well-Known Member
I added 55w cfl under the surface with thermostat controller so it won't heat too much, I set it to 30c.
Hope it will help to maintain temp in the germinating area.

Its already 7 days still only one popped.
If in two-three days nothing will change i think by then the seeds may be considered dead or unviable ....
Be patient bro. Give it time. Some seeds take longer, but m sure temps will help. your medium should feel slightly warm to your hands, not too hot.


Well-Known Member
I used 12watt cfl to make the plate hot with tissue paper inside with seed, remember not soaking wet, just damp. And keep an eye on damp, it dries rather quickly. Best of luck


Well-Known Member
I added 55w cfl under the surface with thermostat controller so it won't heat too much, I set it to 30c.
Hope it will help to maintain temp in the germinating area.

Its already 7 days still only one popped.
If in two-three days nothing will change i think by then the seeds may be considered dead or unviable ....
I let seeds go for at least 2 weeks or until i can verify they are rotten if they squish to a stinky mush .

Even if some seeds dont pop after 2 weeks ill still set them aside as i have been suprised once er twice before with a very thick hulled seed.

You got one to play with while you start some more :)

Next time scuff your seeds lightly before you do a short soak...... heat can accelerate both seed growth and nasty growth....just a warning about the heat

Also dont let the heat dry them out or they are done


Active Member
If a seed doesn't pop within 10-12 days I toss them. Move on and try to find a stronger bean. This is why I always buy packs of seeds. Either a 5 pack or 10 pack.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
If you put the seeds on the damp napkin the roothairs, which are near invisible, will weave their way into it. when you remove the seed a lot of harm can be done
Coffee filters to the rescue!

I usually do layers on a small plate.
  • paper towel
  • coffee filter
  • seeds
  • coffee filter
  • plastic wrap

If you sprout multiple strains and want to keep them separate, just add more layers of coffee filters to keep them from getting mixed together.