Extremely long flowering period

Hey again fellow growers!

I have a pretty interesting question this time that i have not seen answered yet, and i am fairly interested in.

I am in the final stages of flowering in my current grow, Actually all plants have been cut and are now drying. BUT, i have one plant that seems to be related to the Energizer Bunny!

This plant has been flowering now for nearly 3mnths and seems to show no signs of really slowing down, while the other 3 plants have reached their peak and have been harvested. The Orange to White hair ratio is around 20/80, while the other plants were more like 90/10.

At first i only assumed the particular flowering time of this strain just might be longer. It seems like the buds just keep pumping out new white hairs, and very few are maturing. My friend told me about his uncle who has grown for a while and experienced the same situation in a plant, that its flowering time far exceeded that of others in the grow, and still had almost no orange hairs.

A GOOD PORTION OF LEAVES HAVE STARTED CHLOROSIS AND BEGUN TO DIE OFF, which has concerned me, and led me to believe that it might be reaching maturity and its THC peak without showing the normal signs.

My question would be, if it would be advisable to keep on keepin on and continue flowering, or if i should go ahead and harvest.

As always i look forward to hearing from you guys and learning more, and i appreciate all help!
KEEP ON Growing Brothers:weed:


bud bootlegger
it sounds like its a sativa dominant strain, and some of them can take up to like 14 weeks if not longer.. i wouldn't harvest it yet, just let her go.. you know the old saying that good things come to those who wait, and its never truer than with good weed... just give her all the time she needs, and i am sure you will be more than rewarded when it comes time to smoke her..