Eye balling Lime and dry organic nutes


Active Member
I have been doing a 1:1 ratio, not the weight since I don't weigh it before mixing and haven't tested a tea yet (don't have my new pH pen just yet).

Just curious for all those that mix dry organic nuts and lime together for soil mixes.


Well-Known Member
I think that is acceptable.

This last season I ran something like:

2 parts bone meal
1 part blood meal
1 part kelp meal
1 part guano
1 part lime


Well-Known Member
I think that is acceptable.

This last season I ran something like:

2 parts bone meal
1 part blood meal
1 part kelp meal
1 part guano
1 part lime
but what size is one part...and how much soil will this ammend?
is one part one cup,2 cups...and are you adding this to one bag of soil or one 32 gal tote of soil
not trying to sound negative bro...just some people who ask about ratios dont ask specific enough questions...i see that at all the forums i hang at while the people answering the questions are usually so dialed in to their amounts they dont realize the person asking doesnt have a clue to how much soil this will ammend


Well-Known Member
Well for this mix ratio a "Part" can be whatever volume size you choose.

From a cup to a gallon, or the size bag you bought it in.

When I went to the store I grabbed:

2 Bonemeals
1 Bloodmeal
1 Kelp meal

And I got two kinds of Guano, one high in P the other high in N.

Now when you read the directions on the amendments you buy you will see that they recommend 1 to 2 tbs per gallon of soil for most amendments. And 2 to 4 tbs per gallon of soil for Bonemeal.

See you need about double the amount of bonemeal.

So if you were gonna make a small mix you would take say:

4 tbs Bonemeal
2 tbs Bloodmeal
2 tbs Kelpmeal
2 tbs Guanos (one tbs of each type)
2 tbs dolomite lime

That comes to 3/4 of a cup of organic mix for 1 gallon of soil.

Or you can mix the whole batch up together

And measure out how much you need for say 5 gallons of soil.

Thats 5 times the amount for 1 gallon, So..

20 tbs bonemeal works out to: 1 cup and 1/4 cup

10 tbs bloomeal is : 1/2c and 1/8th cup

Kelpmeal 1/2c and 1/8th cup

Guano : 1/2c and 1/8th cup

Lime: 1/2 c and 1/8th cup


3 and 3/4 cup of mix per 5 gallons of soil

This is shooting for the Hot side for an outdoor grow at max Potential.

If you are doing inside you may need only half strength portioned out @ 1 tbs instead of 2tbs per gallon soil of stuff like guano... That would make the total for 5 gallons of soil just under 2 cups of Mix

Iam an outdoor grower who uses the native soil at the site. I just dig up a hole and put that dirt on a tarp. Then throw on a few cups of mix depending on how big of a hole I dug / want. Mix up the dirt and put it back in the hole. Then Iam done with nutes untill flower time where I can water with a Flowering tea.


Well-Known Member
I don't recommend eyeballing unless you've been at it for years. Now I can eyeball any amount of weed to the .5g, by when I guestimaed the ammendments the last run, I got hot soil. And I got residue in my buds.


Well-Known Member
since RIU changed the way their threads look i dont know how to rep+ someone...but know i want to for your last post here bro...huge thumbs up anyway...lol