face hugger invasion! PLZ! help identify this thing

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
okay so yeah it is a cacti spike . I tried to get back here after I found a pic similar on google but got an ips driver error, guess RIU fooked something up again.

Someone tell him not to touch the buttons if hes gonna crash the place every time that he does...:(


Well-Known Member
no no no its not a cactus spike, its an alien transmitting device, duhhhh. You have to go the highest area within a 25 mile radius of where it was found, with any 3 types of acidic fruits, 1 tab of L and a flashlight. drop the L, stick it in the 3 fruits, shine the light up and they should come get you within 30 min.

I found one a couple years ago....pretty fun time, good luck.


Well-Known Member
no no no its not a cactus spike, its an alien transmitting device, duhhhh. You have to go the highest area within a 25 mile radius of where it was found, with any 3 types of acidic fruits, 1 tab of L and a flashlight. drop the L, stick it in the 3 fruits, shine the light up and they should come get you within 30 min.

I found one a couple years ago....pretty fun time, good luck.
I'm going with this theory and putting on my tin foil helmut . . .


Well-Known Member
Yo those fuckers are called goatheads......they grow on weeds that are like vines on the ground, the ones that dont grow tall they just cover the ground, they are everywhere in arizona man I have stepped on those with bare feet more times than i can count


Well-Known Member
i think your all wrong, it looks like something fashioned from skin and bone, OBVIOUSLY! fuckin jeepers creepers man... WE CANT STOP HERE... ITS BAT COUNTRY!!!


Well-Known Member
Yo those fuckers are called goatheads......they grow on weeds that are like vines on the ground, the ones that dont grow tall they just cover the ground, they are everywhere in arizona man I have stepped on those with bare feet more times than i can count
thats what they call them in colorado. except those ones are smaller... and they hurt when you step on them... alot... ahhh childhood... it was painfull...


Well-Known Member
thats what they call them in colorado. except those ones are smaller... and they hurt when you step on them... alot... ahhh childhood... it was painfull...
the ones you usually step on are smaller cuz they are broken up that one that dude found is just the whole thing. the goat head is just a piece of it

and yeah man they HURT like a motherfucker I had to get 7 stitches in my foot when I was 10 years old or so. those fuckers leave a mark haha


Well-Known Member
lol, sure is a mystery either way of how it got there... but that looks like the spikes that grow on the big ass fuckin tall cactus in deserts and shit.