Fact or Opinion: Tents produce denser buds


Well-Known Member
I was talking with a guy yesterday who says since switching from a grow room to grow tents his yields have nearly doubled due to bud density.

The obvious answer to why is that the light is being reflected from a fairly close range on all sides, as opposed to a grow room that reflects the same light but from a distance.

I started growing in a 2x2x5 tent and had nice dense buds my first 'real' grow. I then switched over to a closet and even though I upped the lumens I had much less dense buds, but far more resin production (which I don't think is related to the tent/closet at all) on the same strain.

My question here is for those well-versed with both setups. In your experience have you found that tents typically bring about denser buds than a big room does, or is it just coincidence?


Active Member
the tents reflect light better than a bigger grow room would, resulting in less stretch which means denser buds,although i dont think the difference is huge there is a difference


Well-Known Member
I doubt one would be able to notice. Maybe some of the buds on the outskirts / edges that would not normally get much light, might be a little denser due to the reflection. But imo if you want denser buds regardless of where your light is at use Humboldts Gravity. It will make a plant thats 2ft from the light nug up like the rest.

I believe its Opinion.

Now that being said, someone in a Sealed Tent using a perfect combo of Co2 & Temps would have a better Yield & Denser Nugs I am sure of it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses guys.

RB, do you regularly use Gravity or are you recommending it from past experience? I've been looking into it for a while now.

Would you say it's comparable to (ideally, better than) AN's Overdrive? I have had great results with OD.


Well-Known Member
I use it till this day & I have not used OD.. but I swear by Gravity. its amazing. You get what you pay for.