fan help

Medical User

Well-Known Member
So 3x3x8, flat white paint, 6x 55 watt CFL 3300 lumens + 1 true 200 watt red spec bulb. What diameter fan should I use and what cfm should it have


Well-Known Member
the red bulb is it a hps or a cfl

the math is
LxHxW devided by 3 and that is the minial amount of air u need to move
now add on 10% more for the cfls........the hps it is 15 or 20%
if your intake is hot (above 70) then u need anouther 20% more speed

thatshould be near the right CFM what ever CFM that is u try to match it ......if nothing is close then go for the higher choice and use a varible speed controller on the fan

Medical User

Well-Known Member
The red bulb is CFL as well. So 2.25 x 2.25 x 8 = 40.5 \ 3 = 13.5 + 10% = 14.85 rounded to 15 cu/ft ? So get a 15 CFM fan?


Well-Known Member
they do not have 15

the smallest is a 80 cfm 4 inch booster fan .....(the speed controllers do not work on boosterfans)
the smallest inline fan is 4 inchs 170 cfms or 180 ........the speed controller will work

if money is tight get the booster fan ............if u have the spare cash get the inline can fan ..........u can get the inline fan with a combo carbon filter to clean the air before u eject it outside the area

Medical User

Well-Known Member
Well for $15.00 I found a 115 volt 5" 107 cfm fan I figure with the sun in there it could use it


Lots of light on a 24" x 25" board I think