Fan leaf removal


Hey folks thanks for stopping by my thread. I'm quite newbish ( have done a good amount of reading) and have a quick question. Do you all suggest removing fan leaves to allow light to break thru the initial canopy? Example - 5 weeks into flower, removing some of the larger fan leaves to let light onto the lower branches. Suggest?


Active Member
The plant knows how to grow and will shed them if it needs to. Leave the leaves :)
In my opinion, if the leaf is so big that it's really shading your lower growth and its quite noticeable. Than Id chop it, but only if its really big and hindering growth. Don't start chopping off fan leaves. IMO tho.


Well-Known Member
What opm said. Leave your fan leaves alone. If they are shading budsite or nodes then you can simply tuck your fan leaves by pushing them down under to expose the shaded site. Happy growing


Active Member
dont cut fan leaves, you can tuck them if they shade other growth. but i wouldnt cut them


Well-Known Member
5 weeks is to late to trim leaves. Wouldn't recamend after week 2. But you can move them out of the way or fold them down. Use the supercrop style for that. But it will stress them and add a few days to the flowering.