Fan Leaves are spotting?


Active Member
I noticed this morning that the fan leaves on my girls have brownish spotting and some of the leaves are starting to discolor to a yellowish, I have posted pics. This is my 1st grow and I'am using a 400watt. FFOC soil w/FoxFarm organic nutes and PH is about 6.5. I water every other day or when soil gets dry on top,but becuase recently i added a small fan down by the pots to help with air circulation(may be drying out my girls?) Far as Co2,I'm using the yeast+sugar trick i got off here LoL. Can anyone help me out ? Please :)



Active Member
The fan i know is not a issue. The top of the soil will dry. If your worried about it, you can lay some thing over the soil in order to cover it from the fan and light. Which would lower water transpiration. I use visqueen plastic over my ebb n flow beds, saved me SO much water. literary gallons, lol.
and im no expert or anything but are you using enough nutes? looks like they want more.

hope I helped :D


Active Member
I'm using 4 tbls of FF BigBloom per gallon of 6.5ph water. This is my first grow,so I'm doing everything outta of a book and what I learn on here :) I just flushed it again this morningfor the 2nd time. This time I used 1 tbls per gallon. There is now little orange rust spots all over the leaves,but the fan leaves have seem to stop dieing.