fan leaves drying out yellowing then brown crispy on edges and falling off


Active Member
Hello i have 9 plants in dr240w gow tent,4 blue haze and 5 kush near 4 weeks into flower. 3 600 watt hps with diamond shades,6inch rhino filter with system air fan extracting,2 other sytem air fans bringin in air 1 from outside via vent other from cool basement. my temps rnge from 63f to 67f lights off and 74f to 80f lights on. My problems started to show week 3 into flower with lower big fan leaves showing yellow like tiny dots similar to spider mite looking but def not then leaves crisping at the tip yellowing then turing brown. Its only on 2 of the kush plants the others are perfect and i have flushed these 2 and added an revive into my tank in case its a deficiency. Now the problem is starting to travel up the plant and the bud on these two does seem to be developing slower than the rest, it just seems weird how its only these two. I might add i had this problem on my last grow with 3 plants with the rest being fine different strain also from different mother, never had this problem until i started using a tent. My nutes right now are plant magic bloom 4ml per litre,pm root stim 2.5ml per litre,an hammerhead 2ml per litre,an big bud 2ml per litre, ph is 6.6 to 6.8. I hope iv provided enough info for help and heres som leaf pics. Sorry my post is so clogged im crap with computers :mrgreen: Also im using a co2 bucket...oh yeh im in pm soil



Hey! do you maybe mind posting pics of your plants and not just the leaves? Similar thing has been going on with mine. Difference is that mine are growing with LEDs and CFLs. I am not 100% sure but after reading a lot of problem related posts and guides i came to the conclusion it could be some K deficiency. My plants i just put them on veg 2 days ago but had that problem for a week now.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Kyren is correct. Whole-plant pics showing where all of the damage is occurring are often necessary for diagnosis. That said, the leaves in the pics look like nutrient burn. If it's nute burn, the damage would have started at the lowest and oldest leaves.


Well-Known Member
that kinda looks like whats going on with me too. my leaves started that way from the top tho. im almost 5 weeks into flowering tho so im not sure if its semi normal or i should be freaking out...


Active Member
Hey thanx for replies heres som more pics ,hope they help with diagnosis..Is it strange that only 2 plants are affected by this as the rest are exellent and thame all gettin the same grub and light etc etc :-|



Active Member
jeesus people

its fert burn. plain n simple, well not so simple cuz u also have minor N diffeciency. from p[ositioning im guessing u use a foliar feed, cut back on how much fert is in that.


Well-Known Member
The new leaves aren't damaged - the old fan leaves are.
That doesn't sit well with nute burn by my book.


Active Member
Thanx for replies and interest but to add info i havnt folier fed since they were vedging and i have been using an revive (which has cal/mag) for the last 2 feeds so mayb i just need to wait and see. And im pretty sure it isnt nute burn as it starts on the fan leaves like tiny yellow specks then the leaf starts to dry and stary yellowing browning from tip going inwards...iv had nute burn before on earlier grow and this is different + why is it only affectin 2 plants and not the rest?
011.jpgI dont know if anybody can help me with mine. I have not fed the plant anything but water and it was growing pretty well but the moment i changed it toa bigger pot the old leaves started to go brown but the new leaves were fine till now the tips are gettingt yellow and some brown what do i do?
010.jpg 009.jpg


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Active Member
thanx for replies evereyone and i do think its def a p issue and im thinking mayb add more bloom nutes???? and now i do remember that this started on my last grow on a few plants and coincides with me changing my base bloom nutes from ionics to plant magic so mayb thats it as i have only been using the lowest rec dose of 3ml per litre so will up it to 5ml. Thanx mcfonz your conclusion seems most likely and thank browndigity for hijacking my post...


Well-Known Member
golden. I don't have any experience with Plant Magic fertilizers but if your using hard water you better use 3 or less ml. Best way to tell how much you need is to get an EC meter and check with your water how much you can add to reach the amount you want. If you don't have one you can just take a bottle of water and your nutes to the hydro store and ask them to check the EC thing for a minute. If you've bought something or buying something they usually don't care.

You want an EC of 1-1.4 mS at this stage by my book, but everyone got another number to share.

I use Hesi nutrients and with their coco formula they recommand 5ml\L. At 1ml\L I'm at 0.85 mS with my tap water so I use ~1.5ml\L when I use tap water when the plant is mature enough. (My additives raise the EC as well so I need to take everything into consideration)

Brown, your plant has a LOT of issues. Don't bother fixing them one by one, just transplant into a (much) better soil and most should disapear.


Id say first recheck your PH again. Many things like calcium being not taken can be affected my the PH. I dont know how ofter you feed your plants and at how much "revive" did you give your plants per feed. I think its either K or Calcium. Recheck your PH make sure is not too acidic and stop feeding till you know what really is going on as you would not want to make things worst. I understand how you might feel about ur plants but if you get to impatient about getting them back to normal you might just mess them even more =/. Wait and see what veterans have to say :P


Active Member
ok i def pretty sure its a p issue but im leaning towards deficiency as iv always used more bloom nutes per mil in the past. With the hardwater thing i didnt think it mattered as long as the ph was fine hence why i bought pm bloom as it is for hardwater and doesnt raise ph so the manufactorers say. But i will definatley invest i an ec metre i really didnt think i needed 1 for soil so thanx again. I will post back in another week 2 c if my probs have been cured or made worse!!!! And if so i will reduce p quickly and I dont mind losing a little yield on experimenting as its only 2 and the rest are lovely + its a great learning curve.