Fan leaves problem


Well-Known Member
Hello guys! I had a problem some time ago. I moved my grow cabinet to other room and added 1 more led light. Some days passed and i forgot the lights on for more than 24h and i came home from work and saw the fan leaf closest to new led bulb was damaged, orange and already crispy at the edge i removed the light and next day all other fan leaves started yellowing. Now the plant seems okay but new pistils appeared all over the buds and buds are getting bigger again, which i like but i just wanted to know if any1 has some ideas what happened?
growing auto ak47 3 led lights( 80w 80w and 12w) has ventilation and temp is about 27C constantly. Running lights 20/4



Well-Known Member
Appears the plant was too close to the lights. The leaf closest to the light burnt first. The others expressed the damage later on.


Well-Known Member
Nutrient burn. Again.

It had nothing at all to do with the lighting. If it did, ALL the upper leaves would be burned and the lower leafs would be fine. That's not the case. You have burnt up leafs all over the place. That's nutrient burn. You hit them just a little too hard your last feeding.


Well-Known Member
Yeah possible. The plant is almost 3 months old and I'm feeding 1/2 strength bottled cactus fertilizer