Fat Ass British People


Ursus marijanus
Yo mama so fat ...
only way to get her through a doorframe is to strip her nekid, grease her up and wave a Little Debbie on the other side. cn


Well-Known Member
You fat asses ruined a serious conversation with "yo momma" jokes. This thread had nothing to do with anyone's mother.


New Member
Brits are only copying as you fat ass yanks made it socially acceptable .

It's almost 2013 lol...
The title of this thread is insensitive! People have feelings, ya know.....it's sometimes genetics that causes weight gain..
That's not an excuse to be fat.
you trolling much? but no your half arsed retort isn't enraging me. it's what i've come to expect from people who can't back their bullshit with facts.
It's pretty easy to get facts on this subject lol.
ok you guys win. we just wanna be like you cool guys over the pond. trolling fatties for copying you.
Just stop being fat, it's much easier than people think...just...say...no. ;-)


Well-Known Member
A couple UK lads with a beer gut is no comparison to the double-hotdog cheasesteak supersize cheeseburger eating obese Americans.

In terms of Obesity, America definitely takes the cake............adds fudge to it.......then eats it all.
damn you now i'm hungry :eyesmoke:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
You are an idiot.
For speaking the truth i'm an idiot?! your in denial. and since were name calling your a spunk stain on the carpet of life.

It's almost 2013 lol...
That's not an excuse to be fat.
It's pretty easy to get facts on this subject lol.
Just stop being fat, it's much easier than people think...just...say...no. ;-)
lolwut?!? look at the graph it proves my point. americans were and still are the fattest nation and the world is now copying your lard assess. way to prove me right. but hey i'm n idiot what do i know.


New Member
Might be but still no excuse to blame the US. I live in America and live a healthy lifestyle, because I'm not a follower. It's your own destiny as far as I'm concerned.

Brits are in the top 3-5, just don't follow the US, learn to think for yourself, that's the problem...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
weight! no wait wasn't this whole bullshit thread based on sweeping generalisations?!?! i am one in billions yet folks in this thread branded the brits morons for being followers. double standards ?

it is your own destiny, hence i don't supersize everything. i'm not denying were in the top 3-5 we have a lot of the same issues as you guys.

quite frankly the US have done a lot of things first and the world has followed right and wrong. no blame, it's fact.


New Member
Not calling you morons but saying people follow us is a little moronic. People need to learn to control their urges and stop blaming each other.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
true that. the excuse o oh someone else did it so i thought it was ok. i.e the indifference of man will be his downfall.