favorite beer?


Well-Known Member
LOL when i started drinking we would buy cases of "Beast". Oh god how i hated that beer...lol and i still do. Ever had Beast ice? ...I think id rather drink cow piss lol


Well-Known Member
pacifico, sam adams winter lager, heineken and as far as cheap stuff miller light or mickeys malt but shit i love pretty much all beer


Well-Known Member
Newcastle , sam adams seansonal brews i just got into these but newcastle has been my favorite for awhile i also like hefeweizen as well as corona , tecate , heineken , miller , budweiser anything other then coors light i will drink

the only other person ive met that hates coors light as much as me. i cant drink it. it has the weirdest metal aftertaste even in bottles. whenever i tell people i dont like it they stare at me like ive got something wrong with me. my friend even uninvited me to our trip to jamaica this summer when i told him.

i just tried newcastle the other day and i really liked it


Well-Known Member
Anderson Valley 'Boont Amber' - if you haven't tried it yet, you're missing out! Close 2nd is 'Fat Tire'


Well-Known Member
miller high life, miller lite, bud diesel..

during around October i strictly drink sam adams october fest. wish they made it year round