Favorite/best drug related films....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i don't enjoy films about hardcore drugs, they inevitably get depressing and such :D especially blow, what a downer of a film!

if i watch drug related films it's because i'm high so i want fun, not deep thought and life lessons :D

how high, super troopers, half baked etc, just chilled kick back and laugh films etc :D


Well-Known Member
Most of those movies are just stoner movies. Here are some drug related
Drugstore Cowboy
Basketball Diaries
Requiem for a dream
Pulp Fiction
Bridge to Nowhere
By far the best was Basketball Diaries or Requiem for a dream. You see the true effects of drugs and its addicting habit

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I second dazed and confused... The thing i like about these i school girls man is i keep getting older, but they stay the same age..

Also Harold and Kumar, Fast times at ridgemont high, Super Troopers, alpha dog, Blow..


Well-Known Member
I second dazed and confused... The thing i like about these i school girls man is i keep getting older, but they stay the same age..

Also Harold and Kumar, Fast times at ridgemont high, Super Troopers, alpha dog, Blow..
How could I forget about Fast Times at Ridgemont High? That is a great movie! So are those others you mentioned, especially Super Troopers!


Active Member
I have a few that nobody else has mentioned i suppose

Shrink- came out in 2009, kevin spacey is a big pothead
Humboldt County
The Union
Super High Me

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
How could I forget about Fast Times at Ridgemont High? That is a great movie! So are those others you mentioned, especially Super Troopers!
Hahaha hell ya it is.. Fuckin spiccoli haha.. Dude you reminded me about homegrown, forgot all about that movie.. Great one.. good ole billy bob..

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I have a few that nobody else has mentioned i suppose

Shrink- came out in 2009, kevin spacey is a big pothead
Humboldt County
The Union
Super High Me
Just watched the union yesterday via google.. Great movie, had lots info id heard of through the great vine explained alot deeper..