Favorite drug besides mj?


Well-Known Member
Without a doubt 30's and syrup.I spend like 100 dollars a day on this bullshit lol.Gotta smoke weed with it though.

Snort 2 or 3 30's and sip like 6 oz's of the lean throughout the day and im in heaven.Damn I wish I was getting pints for free still.


Active Member
in order favs pussy weed old blotter acid codien alcohol most addictive pussy nicotine caffine meth alcohol i currently use weed caffine nicotine codine (injury) and alcohol
REAL cocaine.

I doubt many people actually even know what its like, lol

edit: and opium, I have 20 or so pods sitting beside me and a bowl smoking hehe

Yo, you guys take a lot of drugs, lol

Pole Pot

With this post I will begin to realize I'm a huge druggie. Not in a bad way though, hopefully! I've tried a lot of drugs and when I mean a lot, I mean a lot, multiple times with different dosages.

Mj is good for a light high or chill session. I actually prefer a few things over mj because when I'm alone or with consenting friends. I do tend to enjoy opium, morphine, pcp.

-Opium is my favorite. Never had a bad experience, always a great time, cheap as hell. That's all I ask for.

-Morphine is my second favorite drug. Nothing can touch me and I don't care about anything. I'm always happy on it. Feel really gooey. My buddy gets em for me at $2 @ 10mg immediate release pills.

-PCP is last on my top 3. Great visuals. Every experience has been different, depending on the dosage. One time I felt like I was walking through a low budget movie in a funhouse. I was still functional, which is cool and not really what I could say for my acid trips.

Now then. Never really enjoyed coke, but I've only done it twice and both times were "meh." Gave me a bad headache both times but a decent jolt. LSD would make me spin so bad I'd end up vomiting everywhere. I have a bit of a motion sickness issue. Shrooms I'll do over acid any day (1/2 good 1/2 bad experiences) but they break my fuckin bank. Best price I can get them at around here is about 30 an eighth. For K, I've only been in the K-Hole once and that was two days ago. Other than that it's been good, not a lot of spin. I did feel like I was in a western movie when I did it once though but the Indians I fought were like half aliens with flamethrowers that shot at me and burned outward. The K-Hole experience I'll probably make a post about that later. Bad experience, but not as bad as every single LSD trip I've been on.


Well-Known Member
So I was doing a little research on opium and that shit looks harder than I thought. It sounds pretty hard to make heroin. Does anybody know how to get opium to it's most basic drug? Like I know you can stop the heroin process a little earlier to make another drug.. but is there anything before that? Not sure if I'm making sense lol.


Well-Known Member
So I was doing a little research on opium and that shit looks harder than I thought. It sounds pretty hard to make heroin. Does anybody know how to get opium to it's most basic drug? Like I know you can stop the heroin process a little earlier to make another drug.. but is there anything before that? Not sure if I'm making sense lol.
i would rather smoke opium, im just not down with injecting shit i guess. requiem for a dream scarred me for life hahaha


Well-Known Member
i would rather smoke opium, im just not down with injecting shit i guess. requiem for a dream scarred me for life hahaha
I'm probably gonna sound like a total noob right now.. but you can smoke just the pure opium? Like the straight sap from the pods after it dries? I read you're not supposed to do that since it's too strong. They said you're supposed to cut it first. Did I just read a bunch of bull?


Well-Known Member
I'm probably gonna sound like a total noob right now.. but you can smoke just the pure opium? Like the straight sap from the pods after it dries? I read you're not supposed to do that since it's too strong. They said you're supposed to cut it first. Did I just read a bunch of bull?
im not sure about all that shit, id say the less processing the better but im not experienced with the poppy plant really, dont feel the need to learn about it either. im pleased with all the drugs i do now haha


Well-Known Member
im not sure about all that shit, id say the less processing the better but im not experienced with the poppy plant really, dont feel the need to learn about it either. im pleased with all the drugs i do now haha
DON'T JUDGE ME!! jkjk :lol:
I'm curious about opium and I don't really feel like finding a sketchy opium dealer you know?


Well-Known Member
DON'T JUDGE ME!! jkjk :lol:
I'm curious about opium and I don't really feel like finding a sketchy opium dealer you know?
hahaha thats a good way to get robbed, or arrested. opium would be a lot better if you just made it yourself, the opium you find on the street is probably cut with crack or meth. who knows.


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna lie, the whole addiction thing scares the crap out of me. Curiosity killed the cat.
I heard you can grow a physical addiction after the first dose.. But I've also heard that one joint is equal to 5 packs of cigs lololol. So is addiction after the first dose possible or likely?

Have any of you ever smoked opium more than once without growing an addiction?


Well-Known Member
the opium on the street is 99% fake I sold red rock opium for a while people loved it but it didn't get you high unless it was on top of weed lol but people where buying it like crazy I got caught by a cop one time with a bunch of it broken up for sale I told him it was incense he let me go but he took the shit I was buying ounces for like $5 and sold it for 10-20 a gram their was also this black tar o going around I bought some once cause it was sopouse to be the real deal but it was fake smoked a whole bowl by myself no high but I smoked some h first hit boom feel it imediatly thats what real opium would be like I've never had real opium most of its fake
hahaha thats a good way to get robbed, or arrested. opium would be a lot better if you just made it yourself, the opium you find on the street is probably cut with crack or meth. who knows.


Well-Known Member
if you have no self control is the only way your going to get hooked do it once and don't touch it again for atleast a week if you start doing it regulary your fucked like a stray dog in china town
I'm not gonna lie, the whole addiction thing scares the crap out of me. Curiosity killed the cat.
I heard you can grow a physical addiction after the first dose.. But I've also heard that one joint is equal to 5 packs of cigs lololol. So is addiction after the first dose possible or likely?

Have any of you ever smoked opium more than once without growing an addiction?


Well-Known Member
if you have no self control is the only way your going to get hooked do it once and don't touch it again for atleast a week if you start doing it regulary your fucked like a stray dog in china town
Haha I like the stray dog thing. Good plan. I'm not sure how much opium I'll get from growing but I'll space out my yield by one and a half weeks. I have good mental self-control.. I just don't want a physical addiction off the first dose lol.

I know I won't get an addiction because I'd smooke too much, I just have a feeling I'd get an addiction because I have crap luck ha.
But really, if I feel an addiction creeping on I'll literally stomp that shit into the dirt.


Well-Known Member
Lol foreal dude jus grow it selllll alll the opium but save urself just one pod and dont smoke that shit till all the other shit is sold!!!


Other then MJ as of right now i would say MDMA but i did spend about 5 years smoking and hot railing meth everyday as a teenager i had to get off of it before it completely ruined my life but i will say out of all drugs ive tryed and experimented with Meth was by far the strongest, fastest acting, longest lasting euphoric high ive ever had and with a great low price to match, i want to say 1/3rd of the reason i loved that drug so much was here in washington its soo common i can find meth for 20 bucks a gram and 90% of the time it will be near pure, killer dope or i could find a gram of coke for 60 bucks and i have around a 15% chance that the product wont be cut and stepped on over and over.