Favorite Foods While Youre Stoned

Allan Watts

Well-Known Member
I've bought 3 lbs of point cut corned beef and a head of cabbage. I know it isn't Irish but I am. I didn't get the red hair but I am a fair haired blond. My runts fled the potato famine of the 1840's for the Boston area. Yosemite Valley itself is worth the VIEW!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Anything I dont have to cook.....Like if its in an easy access bag like cheeto type shit. Ordering pizza would be if I didnt have stuff in easy access and if it was to late gas stations...

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
What I hate is when you are so stoned and so hungry that all you can think about is what is in the kitchen and what would taste good except you can't move. I always tell myself on the next commercial I will get up and get something to eat, but I never do. But, my favorites are peanut butter and jelly and a glass of milk, grilled cheese, or pizza. I just wish they would magically appear.....


Well-Known Member
lol yea man i know the feeling lol its so hard to move but all you can think about is how hungry you are lol i alway try and have everythink near me b4 i start just so i don't have to get up.

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
MoE. Last night that is what I did! I got prepared before I became one with the bed. It was great! I had all my munchie needs covered!