F'ck dairy quenn and the cow they are humping.....


Well-Known Member
Let me make this real clear to you communist.?
Trump is setting a trap for your CONrades....
Too even if the DA of new yawk got his tax returns if they leak it to CONgress or the FAKE news , their will be prosecuted! Read the Supreme Court ruling very carefully so you don’t miss that IMPORTANT part.
Be HONEST. if english is yore first LANGUAGE, how much EDucation do you HAVE?


Well-Known Member
And there it is. Your the clown on every site that's always commenting on everyone's grammar.....I bet you call everything besides an IPA Piss water. It took 2 seconds to figure you out. Every site needs a clown....and that's you :clap::clap::clap::clap:
i like that you put a grade next to each one of your posts


Well-Known Member
And there it is. Your the clown on every site that's always commenting on everyone's grammar.....I bet you call everything besides an IPA Piss water. It took 2 seconds to figure you out. Every site needs a clown....and that's you :clap::clap::clap::clap:
Oh hi

Why don't you feel like a slut for Trump when all he does is lie, use and abuse you?


Well-Known Member
Let me make this real clear to you communist.?
Trump is setting a trap for your CONrades....
Too even if the DA of new yawk got his tax returns if they leak it to CONgress or the FAKE news , their will be prosecuted! Read the Supreme Court ruling very carefully so you don’t miss that IMPORTANT part.
You still didnt answer his question.
Trump ran on the promise to release his taxes. Now he's fighting it tooth and nail.
Do you feel lied to?


Well-Known Member
No I don’t care if trump cheated his tax returns....
I don’t care if he lied about releasing his tax returns....
#1.) ITS NON OF OUR business... hey schmucks let me see your tax returns or welfare documents..??? See how that works??
2.) Grey beaver lied about being Native American ..... Trump proved that. When is she going to pay back the money she stole from the TAX-PAYERS, as well as stealing government funds for REAL NATIVES?????

my point exactly you communist are so stupid with your hypocrisy it’s hilarious!!!!!
So being lied to, used and abused by Trump doesn't make you feel like a pimped whore? Different strokes for different folks.

Still, though, I hope you don't shoot anybody out of anger after Trump is voted out of office and then removed from the white house in order to give way to President Biden.


Well-Known Member
No I don’t care if trump cheated his tax returns....
I don’t care if he lied about releasing his tax returns....
#1.) ITS NON OF OUR business... hey schmucks let me see your tax returns or welfare documents..??? See how that works??
2.) Grey beaver lied about being Native American ..... Trump proved that. When is she going to pay back the money she stole from the TAX-PAYERS, as well as stealing government funds for REAL NATIVES?????

my point exactly you communist are so stupid with your hypocrisy it’s hilarious!!!!!
It is none of our business if Trump broke election laws paying off people to get elected? I disagree strongly.

We also have a lot of business in what laws 'Individual One' was breaking on his way to become POTUS, and all the ones he broke while POTUS.


Well-Known Member
No I wouldn’t know what being a pimped out whore feels like?? Ask your mom, I’m sorry you were not made the exception for being ABORTED...
On another note, what are you gonna DO when PRESIDENT DJT is re-elected ???
Will you ALL be screaming at the sky again like in NOVEMBER 2016snowflakes?
Trump is not running against a woman with decades of right wing trolling her. He is screwed.

Are you an American? And if so are you ok with Trump allowing Russia to continually attack our citizens?


Well-Known Member
Oh I’m sorry your right he’s just running against Uncle creepy joe , with his VEE-PEE CORN POP! lol

as far as Russia Russia Russia that’s already been debunked as FAKE NEWS.

why are you questioning my American authenticity??? Are you a white RACIST?
I asked a question of if you are an American, that you haven't answered. If you are not it might explain why you are dismissing the very real and confirmed by all the worlds leaders and American intelligence agencies have shown us over and over have actually occurred.

Russia is attacking our democracy. And I am just curious if you are an American, and if you are why this doesn't piss you off.

It is amazing how Trump's consistent conning has stuck with his cult. It is also hilarious that Trump even admitted that Russia was attacking our democracy by helping him to get elected.

Seriously if you are an American, why this doesn't piss you off?


Well-Known Member
No, I'm saying people should do things which they have a right to do and refrain from doing things they have no right to do.

If you don't have the right to force people to cook according to your specifications, how could you delegate that right to anybody else ?
WTF? Dude you are on some other shit.

First off, answer the questions one at a time. You are choosing to ignore 90% of what I typed and giving vague answers that make no logical sense.

Let me make this as simple as I can. Do you think we should remove all food service safety laws? No more health inspectors? Be clear.


Well-Known Member
No I wouldn’t know what being a pimped out whore feels like?? Ask your mom, I’m sorry you were not made the exception for being ABORTED...
On another note, what are you gonna DO when PRESIDENT DJT is re-elected ???
Will you ALL be screaming at the sky again like in NOVEMBER 2016snowflakes?
So, for reference, being lied to, used and abused by Trump is like being a pimped out whore. I'm glad that you like it. So much easier that way.

If Trump wins, I'll step up my opposition to everything he does. I'll also continue to show up at counter demonstrations against his brown shirts when they come here to have their costume parties

lulz, what a poser.


Well-Known Member
It your TROLL question is LOADED!!! Let the man dissect your silly question.
How is it a troll question? This thread is about DQ employees choosing not to wear masks while serving food to people. I commented about how this personally affects me when people choose not to wear masks. I asked clear simple questions. No trolling involved.

You on the other hand are in here talking about politics, trump, communists, and lots of shit completely unrelated to the original post. Stay focused.


Well-Known Member
WTF? Dude you are on some other shit.

First off, answer the questions one at a time. You are choosing to ignore 90% of what I typed and giving vague answers that make no logical sense.

Let me make this as simple as I can. Do you think we should remove all food service safety laws? No more health inspectors? Be clear.

With DUEL citizenship.
So tell me again all about how Trump beat Hillary in 2016??!!!
And this Russia hoax thing..... I want to hear more ....
And stop being a white POS racist
You are quick with the racist talk. It should matter to you that our community (yes 'our') has been under attack for some time now and it has only ramped up after the 2016 election by the Russian military.

Screen Shot 2020-07-10 at 5.55.04 PM.png

The Russain military got the voting data from Trump's campaign and used it with combination of the AI ability that they gained from Cambridge Analytica to pinpoint people in our country with whatever propaganda that they were most likely to respond to, constantly, to the point that people lost their damn minds.

All it took was 80k people in a handful of key states to overcome the more than 2 million more votes Clinton got in 2016 to make Trump POTUS.
And the Russian military has been shown in bi-partisan intelligence reports to have actively reached over a 100 million people in our country. They are even attacking our children on their video games.

This shit is important to understand. It is making us all nuts because it is incredibly effective.

I would start here. https://www.rollitup.org/t/ap-cyborgs-trolls-and-bots-a-guide-to-online-misinformation.1005699/post-15310450 I apologize that the post above it is pictures of the story, I didn't realize at the time it would be better to just quote the articles straight up. I really hope you look through this and stick around if you are legitimate about what you say you are, because it is very important that our citizens start to wake up to this attack, and it is hard when our cult leader in chief needs people to ignore it so he can maybe win re-election to avoid jail time for his very real crimes.