Fear of plants outgrowing growroom plz help!!!!


Well-Known Member
hi,i have only another six inches of room to highten my light yet my plants are going into their 4th week of flowering and wont stop growing they were just over 2ft when i started them other grows from the same mother did not do this but these girls won't stop growing ands i'm running out of space!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
is it not a bit late?????i'll try anything at this rate,i came in from work tonight and they had
grown over 4" since i left,i have never lst'd was planning on doing it to my clones but wouldn't know where to start
with bigger plants??????


Well-Known Member
I don't think it would be to late. I tied 1 of mine down about 3 weeks into flower. It was going faster than the rest. I picked a node below were the cola was going to grow and tied my sting loosely. Then down to a clip on the side of my pot. Just bend it a little at a time carefull not to beak it.


Well-Known Member
Nice one man will do that tomorrow light just went out in there,
how long should i leave it tied down for + rep for you my friend!!!


Well-Known Member
Mine still is, I'm not real sure how long thou. They will eventually stay that way. Try a search for some info.


Well-Known Member
Will do thanks man, they usually slow down about week 4/5
of flowering so ireckon a week ort two might do it,
will it affect the kola's in a bad way????


Well-Known Member
You can check the pics of mine in my journal. I haven't noticed any ill efects.


Well-Known Member
Nice one man, wow!!!!they sure are some lovely girls you got there!!!
Thanks a million for your help much appreciated!!!!:joint: