

I'm about 2 weeks in with my first ever plant, it's starting to get more sets of leaves coming in. I was wandering if I could get any feedback on how I'm doing so far. Do the bottom, darker leaves look ok? I'm going to change up the set up a bit more to help get more light on it but other than that everything seems to be going fine.



Active Member
Looking better than my first grow with bag seeds, I killed them off by the 3rd or 4th week (Too much water, not enough light, then I tried to fertilize them thinking that would help :lol: , poor buggers didn't stand a chance :lol: ), but I didn't know all this great info was around to help back in 2000, then I found Over Grow and proper seeds in 01.

How much light do you have on it? Have you been pHing the water or do you have a good Soil Mix that is nice and neutral? (I'm OCD about water pH)

Remember, most first timers FAIL by "Killing with Kindness" or basically giving the plant TOO much attention/water/food... and for heavens sake, go easy on the nutrients when you do feed them the first time, don't do what I did ;-) (you wont need to feed for a while still, usually 5+ true sets of leaves, and usually over a month or two vegging depending on the lights and soil used, when I give the first 'feeding' it's 1/4 - 1/8 recommended dose, or less even, depending on what you are using!)

I'm usually not much help, but it looks like you are doing great so far!