Feeding and watering


Do you feed nutrients a couple days in a row then just give them water one day? Do you feed everytime ? Some opinions please and thanks


Well-Known Member
Common practice for new guys is water once feed the next and just continue the same cycle but follow whatever feeding chart for specifics on how much of each nute to feed.

FYI I am a new guy too. Fox Farms recommends this as well if that helps any. Keep PH between 6.3-6.8


Well-Known Member
It all depends on the growing media your using. An organic potting soil has enough nutrients usually, to get you through a few weeks of growth. A soiless mix like promix, sunshine 4, or coco coir has almost none, or no food in it. This means that you have to feed the plants way more often. Soiless mixes usually get fed every watering. Soil usually gets fed after the third week, and you start low and move higher gradually as the plant grows in size. The nutrients in your organic potting soil do just fine to keep the plant healthy.


Well-Known Member
It all depends on the growing media your using. An organic potting soil has enough nutrients usually, to get you through a few weeks of growth. A soiless mix like promix, sunshine 4, or coco coir has almost none, or no food in it. This means that you have to feed the plants way more often. Soiless mixes usually get fed every watering. Soil usually gets fed after the third week, and you start low and move higher gradually as the plant grows in size. The nutrients in your organic potting soil do just fine to keep the plant healthy.
I am stoned and automatically and incorrectly assumed he meant organic soil for some reason. I need to lay off the roils stuff for a bit and was just talking FF with someone before reading his posts.

<---foot>mouth :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks so what you're saying is if I'm using canna coco I should feed everyday
That's the advantage of the coco feed more often better/faster growth, but it brings higher skill and exp to catch things if they go wrong, you do not have the buffer and safety net of the soil.........


Well-Known Member
I personally like a fwwwfwwwf schedule at first, and then in late veg (2.5 ft plants) fwwfwwfwwf, then in mid flower fwfwfwf, and the last three weeks can go back to fwwfwwfwwf. Thats how i do it.
Oh and never ever listen to the feed charts from the company. They are guides and usually over feed your plants to toxic levels. If you want to read something, read the plants. Yellowing means it needs more of something. Clawing and burnt tip, or dark, almost black green, means its getting too much food. All the plant needs is a good mix of npk, and some calmag. Figure out what that means and your golden. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so what you're saying is if I'm using canna coco I should feed everyday
Exactly. Start low, work up. The most important feed tool is a ppm meter. Truncheon by blue lab, or a continuous read wall mount one are the best options. Other ones and your just wasting your time and money and waiting for problems. They are in my personal opinion a must have. Or your just guessing.


Well-Known Member
I run coco and normally alternate water / nutes.

nutes / water / nutes / water till the end of time.


Well-Known Member
Do you feed nutrients a couple days in a row then just give them water one day? Do you feed everytime ? Some opinions please and thanks
You should be posting more info on a question like this. Specifically on your medium, nutes, and age of plants. The more info the better more reliable answers you'll get.

I use a 50/50 mix of soilless high porosity peat and large perlite. This means there's ZERO nutes in my medium UNLESS I put them there. My goal is to feed with every watering but with just enough nutes to make it to the next watering. IMO those who feed/flush on a schedule are feeding to much when they feed that's why the need to follow up with several flushes. I prefer feeding at as low a rate as needed but I do it every time I water. If you don't saturate the medium with salts flushing during the grow isn't needed. But watering until you get some runoff is still a good idea. That's just me and how I do it. To each his own.