Feeding scheduele? Want only organics! Soil


Active Member
First ever grow. I now have root organics-buddahgrow and general organics- vegan plant food and bloom enhancer.
First question is- what other natural organic nutes should I buy at hydrostore for flowering?
2nd- what is a good feeding scheduele so not to cause stress or nute burn? Water,water,feed? Water,water,feed full strenght?
Help please don't want my girls to die and wilt on me


Well-Known Member
You gotta learn to read your plants and not the labels.

I'm running Earth Juice, but what might be right for my particular strain could be too much or too little for yours.

Start at 1/4 strength and SLOWLY work your way up, watching your plants the whole time.



Well-Known Member
sorry don't know much on vegan organic, i use blood and bone meal. mix a good soil then don't feed, or just reg soil and feed water feed water. just work up in strength from 1/4 to full. to much is worse than not enough


Active Member
Hmm okay well that powder bone meal and all that that is pellets mixed with hot water then fed?
Am In flowering what to do


Well-Known Member
no i get powder. i mix blood, bone, lime, castings, guano, compost, and potting soil. i lay out a big tarp mix it all then put it in 30 gal containers for a month or two to let the micro hoard do its thing.

check out sudcool's super soil. i do that plus compost/worm poo from my bin


Well-Known Member
you can make tea with most any organics. maybe bone meal but its high n, id use some bat guano or bloodmeal

if you are looking for vegan bloodmeal is not is and it smells a bit, making tea with it is like cooking rotted blood soup


Active Member
To make own compost tea. Let's say peels and egg shells all that from kitchen. Can u then put that in 20gal co rainer after the compost has sat for a week?
Or does it need soil?