Feel Sad when Cuttin TEH STEM! CLICK CLICK


Well-Known Member
i always feel sad when i put the scissor on the main sttem and click it xXD

its like omg oh nooooooo.......hmmmmmmmmmmfluffyyyybuddssssHURRY DRY UP!!!!SUCKA!!!!


Active Member
hmmmm interesting read.... Although with my main stems I need a chain saw. A pair of scissors just won’t do!:p

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
hmmmm interesting read.... Although with my main stems I need a chain saw. A pair of scissors just won’t do!:p

I use a razor blade, make a nice cut, then pull the branch away from the cut and keep cutting.

I always feel bad cause I know Ill have to trim it all up :(


Well-Known Member
^ i dont get why everybody seems to hates trimming. I mean honestly to me, ive been waiting 3+ months for that exact moment when i start making my hash pile lol. Although i do feel bad when it comes to chopping down such an awesome plant, I know only good will come of it... haha. I mean just grab a friend willing to help you, roll one up, and go to town.

Although ive never grown outdoors so I can't really say how much of a task trimming 20 pounds would be lol. (way fuggin leafier)


Well-Known Member
ive only ever grown 1 plant indoors, my god after all that love care and attention i put into her i literally had trouble cutting them stem, i enjoyed the trim coz usually i do plants outdoors and my god it takes 4 fucking eva, i love the hash i get from my fingers and scissors, goes straight in2 my bong and burns like a beauty.


Well-Known Member
^ i dont get why everybody seems to hates trimming. I mean honestly to me, ive been waiting 3+ months for that exact moment when i start making my hash pile lol. Although i do feel bad when it comes to chopping down such an awesome plant, I know only good will come of it... haha. I mean just grab a friend willing to help you, roll one up, and go to town.

Although ive never grown outdoors so I can't really say how much of a task trimming 20 pounds would be lol. (way fuggin leafier)
I don't understand either... I trim till my hands lock up during harvest season. All the kief and finger hash I can smoke, some music jammin, maybe a comedy on TV. Sheeeeeiiiit trimmin is good times.


Well-Known Member
does ur stem really go so much hard that u cant cut it with scissor??


Active Member
I'm a fan of trimming. Of course it gets monotonous if you have a good sized harvest, but its kinda worth it.