Female or male? *extremely early preflower picture*


Well-Known Member
The "hairs" that you see in that image are actually trichomes on the plant (The "hairy leaf" trichomes, not the ones you're thinking about).

The calyx in that image hasn't split yet and therefore the pistils were not out yet. 2 days later the first pistils came out of the developing calyx's
Dude, that's what I'm sayin right? That is makes me think the plant is a fem. I don't understand how you (fdd) can see hairs before a calyx... That doesn't make any sense. the calyx has to appear before the actual pistil pops out. I think it's a female and I'm almost positive it is. Balls are balls, calyxes are calyxes. That sir, is a fucking calyx.


Well-Known Member
i'm some kind of god, i guess.

or a liar.

i see hairs first. usually a small glimmer of just the tip of a clear stand. looks like fiber optics, if you've ever seen fiber optics. i don't pay attention to the pod, i simply look for the hair. i use a 30X loupe when i do it. tiny, tiny hair.


Active Member
Keeping my fingers crossed :)

Here's a couple more pictures from today... Hasn't changed TOO much, but it certainly does NOT look like a crab claw or balls. I've attached a picture of a female in early preflowering and a male in early preflowering.. Tell me which one you think looks like mine.

Here's my pictures, not the BEST clarity but I think it gets the point across as to what it looks like:


Here's the picture of the early male and female preflowers. Female on the left, male on the right.

What do you guys think now??


Well-Known Member
i don't get the point of this thread?

is this a game?

you have all the answers, but are still asking questions.

i'm confused.


Active Member
What have I done to offend you? Is it wrong of me to have wishful thinking and be hopeful that my plant is female?

I'm not a hostile guy, I don't understand why you're jumping all over me.

The point of this thread is to hear the opinions of people who are more experienced than myself in this matter, because I'm curious as to how my grow will turn out, that's all. If you had wishful thinking about your plant and someone told you what you didn't want to hear you'd express why you feel differently too I'm sure. You know what I mean?

I don't have any beef with ANYONE's opinion, I'm not trying to start anything.

I'm not claiming to have the answers, the only answers I find are on the internet, and I was just posting an additional comparison shot to see if there's any chance you guys would change your mind about calling it male.


Active Member
i'm some kind of god, i guess.

or a liar.

i see hairs first. usually a small glimmer of just the tip of a clear stand. looks like fiber optics, if you've ever seen fiber optics. i don't pay attention to the pod, i simply look for the hair. i use a 30X loupe when i do it. tiny, tiny hair.
Yeah I guess that's really the only way to know for sure when it's female or not.. I guess today wont be the day it's made clear yet..


Well-Known Member
What have I done to offend you? Is it wrong of me to have wishful thinking and be hopeful that my plant is female?

I'm not a hostile guy, I don't understand why you're jumping all over me.

The point of this thread is to hear the opinions of people who are more experienced than myself in this matter, because I'm curious as to how my grow will turn out, that's all. If you had wishful thinking about your plant and someone told you what you didn't want to hear you'd express why you feel differently too I'm sure. You know what I mean?

I don't have any beef with ANYONE's opinion, I'm not trying to start anything.

I'm not claiming to have the answers, the only answers I find are on the internet, and I was just posting an additional comparison shot to see if there's any chance you guys would change your mind about calling it male.
dude, i'm not offended. simply confused. it's you that's getting worked up.

you have ALL the answers. you keep proving yourself correct with them. i don't get what you want from us. i give my opinion and you flat out tell me i'm wrong. you went so far as to try to trick me into being wrong. i don't get what it is you seek. :neutral:


Active Member
Alright dude I apologize for implying you were incorrect. I didn't really mean to do that at all.

I honestly respect your opinion quite a bit considering your experience, I really appreciate your help and I don't mean to seem ungrateful or anything.

Sorry for getting worked up.

I'll still keep updating this thread as this progresses, lets put it this way, I HOPE you're wrong, ;).


Well-Known Member
i could easily be wrong. doesn't really matter to me if i am or not. i simply was sharing my personal experiences. i have nothing to prove. :wink:


Well-Known Member
No that fiber optic hair is all normal plant stuff not an indication of sex. That ball is really starting to look male now, see the ends are what opens up and shell off. I won't call it yet, if 2 white hairs burst out of there now though I would shit.


Active Member
No that fiber optic hair is all normal plant stuff not an indication of sex. That ball is really starting to look male now, see the ends are what opens up and shell off. I won't call it yet, if 2 white hairs burst out of there now though I would shit.
Well here's to hoping you're wrong too...

Here's a picture to illustrate how small what we're looking at actually IS.


here is the preflower outlined in the previous image: