Females. EAST coast


Hey guys i have two females one at 77 days and the other at 65. both are flowering and have been for a few weeks. Ive just returned from a 4 days camping trip an more leaves then normal have turnd yellowish. is it true that this is because the plant is using its energy to form buds? Alil worried let me know what u guys think. sry no pics


Well-Known Member
ehh.. depends.

usually the leafs won't start turning yellow until the plant has been in flowering for a good couple of weeks... but yes it is normal for Cannabis plants to do this.. especially during flowering. The further the plant gets into flowering.. the more yellow the leafs will get.. and eventually will and can die off completely.. and fall off the plant. So, if you see that happening in the future, don't panic. It's just the plants way of getting rid of the leafs that are no longer able to complete photosynthesis (absorb light).

Kinda like the human body.. in a way. For example, the plant is doing the same thing that our human bodies do.. when we get sick. Just use your imagination. ;)

Hope that helped ya out.



thanks alot ganga. ill see what happens in the next few days. im hopen to start seeing buds within a week ill post an update .


Well-Known Member
ehh.. depends.

usually the leafs won't start turning yellow until the plant has been in flowering for a good couple of weeks... but yes it is normal for Cannabis plants to do this.. especially during flowering. The further the plant gets into flowering.. the more yellow the leafs will get.. and eventually will and can die off completely.. and fall off the plant. So, if you see that happening in the future, don't panic. It's just the plants way of getting rid of the leafs that are no longer able to complete photosynthesis (absorb light).

Kinda like the human body.. in a way. For example, the plant is doing the same thing that our human bodies do.. when we get sick. Just use your imagination. ;)

Hope that helped ya out.

Eh, some of that is true. The leaves will turn yellow during flowering because it's using up energy. The plant is telling you it needs some specific nutrients (in your case,specifically nitrogen) in order to maintain it's "generators" ( leaves )

The main goal is to keep the plant as green as possible until (as close to) harvest. While not flooding the plant with nutrients. A little bit of this and that go a long way.

You are correct though ganja- just wanted to add a tid bit!:joint:

OP: throw up a couple pictures of your ladies once they start to take off. I'm also on the east coast, I'd like to see where there at!



New Member
im having the same problem. my lower leaves are turning yellow than goin to brown and than dying and i can crumble the leaf so i just pull it off the stem. the inner leafing that grows behind it is green though. i will put up pictures in about 10-15 minutes.


Well-Known Member
That makes 3 of us. This plant is like 6' tall and was looking amazing up until about a week ago. Came out of nowhere. Unfortunately I didn't take the camer out today, but I brought a couple leaves back.

In a weeks time, I'd say 1/2 way up the plant they look like this. Some better, some worse. The really bad ones are completely brown and dead. I'm pretty worried. The strain is Ceres Purple which Ceres seeds says is a quick finisher, but I'm only about 3 weeks into flowering and got a long way to go. Any thoughts?
Its never normal for leaves to die and fall off. She's feeding off of herself to stay alive, as Uncle Ben says "keep it green" Read his and Riddleme's posts you'll learn so much


Well-Known Member
Its never normal for leaves to die and fall off. She's feeding off of herself to stay alive, as Uncle Ben says "keep it green" Read his and Riddleme's posts you'll learn so much
The most important thing too keep in mind throught the ENTIRE grow. And yes, both the people mentioned above have great sources of information.

still waiting on the pics!



Well-Known Member
ph? when i got a handle on controlling my ph, it straight up changed my success dramatically. test your soil? if you have an acidic conditioin, sprinkle a bunch of crushed coral around the base of your plant,( be sure to upend the bag of coral to mix in the powder from the crushings). soil mixes containing alot of peat, when watered with ferts, will tend to become acidic. the coral will help raise the ph a bit and stabilize it. alot of folks use dolomite lime for this purpose. well, hopefully i'm not telling you something you already know:) peace and good luck

Juan Valdez

Active Member
I'd hit her with some veg nutes, about 1/2 - 3/4 strength depending on what type of soil your using and any amendments added? if it's in straight soiless mix with nothing added go full strength!

another thing it could be is, some sort of boring insect (european corn worm) that has bored into the stalk and is interfering with nutrient uptake. check the stalk and all the branches for big odd looking swollen lumps you'll know when ya see it, looks like if you broke a bone.

most likely just a nitrogen def tho.

goodluck, peace


Well-Known Member
Good advice guys

I was thinking my pH might be a little low. I'm using sunshine mix (peat based) plus with the nutes and I read online that the rain in my area is like 5.5 I thought it might be low. I mixed some seashell lime in with the soil when I first planted but I think it might have run its course. All I have left is some masonry lime. Will that work? I don't have a tester so I'm just shooting from the hip here. I'm not about assuming things but it seems logical. They've been in the ground for almost 3 months.

I actually had those boring insects kill a plant at my other patch earlier in the season, but the symtoms are different. The plant looked really underwatered which was reasonable since we were going through a dry spell. I watered it without really checking, but when I came back about an hour later I noticed it didn't perk back up. After examing it further I saw they bored in the main stalk at the base and worked their way up and blew the top of the plant out. There was no saving it.