fert question


possible wilting and nutes deficiency Hey guys, Got a question for you. If my leaves are drooping and the second set of should I begin my fert schedule soon so as to not lose my babies I've be bear rabbit non sulfured molasses,and last but deffinately not least fox grow ever I'm not the most learned or well knowledged so any help wo lifes out in little cups made from egg carton bottom. I just transplanted general hydroponics coconut coir and pearlite mix to spec. And that mix the plants in time release miricl grow soil. And I haven't given them any which fert when out of the list I gave.? Again any help appreciate... pics


this is what im dealing with as of no the issue seems to be worsening daily. i think i might not water for another 24 hours and see if they have just been getting over watered. i have as of late been watering them about twice a day. any answer to this issue would be greatly appreciated, dont know how much time i have left before they start dropping like flies. i have been combining all three of my veg ferts per watering. unsulfered molasses, fox farm grow big, and superthrive. all mix down to quarter strength since the plants are young and my goal was not to nute burn them, so thats whay i only have 1/4 teaspoon of each mix to 1 gallon purified water.



Well-Known Member
so your feeding every watering? In the future do not use soil with time released nutrients, if you run into problems like burn flushing will not help and everytime you water after that it will still have the time released nutes. You are feeding way to early even if you were not using time released nutes added soil. Those things shouldnt of been fed anything for another 2 or 3 weeks at least in a soil mixture like you made. Your really hard to understand as to what your saying, i think thats why no one else has helped yet, this is based on what i understand, if i have misunderstood you on anything please let me know.


i will try to clarify. I haven't been feeding them every watering, i just began giving nutes on the 18th of this month and they have only received that one nutes watering, every water up to this point has been just stagnant room temp purified water. when i first potted them i put them in such a tiny pot(inside the bottom of an egg carton cup 1 1/2 in diameter x 1 1/2 deep) that even though i used miracle grow soil mix, I assumed they would use all the nutes locked within that soil within two weeks time from when they broke soil. 4 out of the six plants are 2 weeks old from the time they broke the soil on 3-8-2011. the original one i began growing is a week ahead of those. having broke soil on the 4th of this month making it nearly 3 weeks old(the one in the picture below). however you are saying to continue watering the plants with just water for up to another 2-3 weeks? if so wont they die with out any ferts to help them grow in that time frame? If they wont die on water for another 2-3 weeks then when will i know when to begin my ferts schedule, also do you think that i should separate these ferts and do each on in their own 1 gallon jug and give at three distinct different waters? last question does it matter whether or not im growing indica or sativa? because if it does the majority of what i have is a sativa or has sativa in it. such as train-wreck, sour diesel,G13 most of my strains are crosses and have these strains in their make up. hope that gave you some more info to go off of to help me sort out this problem.
oh yeah i have a temp/humidity gauge in the grow case and it was reading 79.5 degrees F, and about 35-37% humidity, my lights are compact fluro's one is a daytime 100 watt and the other is a warm white 100 watt. lights are between 3-6 inches away from all foliage.

thanks again in advance for all help

keep it green! stay faded!
time for my morning bowl! ;-) :clap:



Well-Known Member
the soil with the special time released nutes will usually have like 3-6 months worth of nutes that are time released. What is your ph at? have you been phing the water you give them? How often and how much are you watering? In regards to your problem it doesnt matter if they are sativa or indica, but it will make a difference when deciding when to flower and top and lst and such. you can mix the 3 nutes if you want. Just be careful not to burn them. Most soils that dont have added time released nutes will still have enough for 3 weeks or so(assuming the plants growing properly, if its small and stunted it wont really be using any nutes since its not growing much so it would make it even longer.) The key with cannabis and nutrients is to remember that most of the time a little goes a long way, start small and work your way up to full strength on the nutrients. normally i start at 25% at 3 weeks and work my way up. My 3 week olds are usually 12 inches and 8-10 nodes. watch your plants reaction as you up the dosage, leaves starting to get dark green and possibley even burning on the tips are a sign your plant has all the nutrients it can possibley handle and adding more is going to just hurt its leaves and root system.


Thanks for thr reply DD420. Um I have been watering up to 2 times a day(I know probably too much given the obvious wilting). As for phing my water... uh yeah I know stupid(I haven't been doing it) but
I heard somewhere that if you can't ph your water then let it sit out for a few days before you use it and add minimal nutes as not to burn plants roots system ir leaves. I haven't Put anymore then a total teaspoon per gallon(including total of all 3 nutes) in and I only gave them one watering with nutes in the water. From germ till now they been on simply pure water(no nutes). Um DD420 do you think that I need to continue one giving just water or is giving then lil girls nutes now okay (maybe just to jum start their growth) also maybe slow growth can be attributed to genetics and as I'm in the process of finishing build my own strain the gentics are anything but stable as of yet so idk... but yeah when do you think I can start feeding them if now is too early?

Thanks guys,

Stay faded!


So in efforts to answer my own question I began pilot test with one of my plants on ferts and the other on just straight up water. And I'm going to uload my finding on here weekly I think I might just keep this thread going and roll it into my full out grow log (yes I know there's a specific place on here for that) I happy to be too lazy to make a seperate one. The strain of mine I am calling werewolf is the plant that I chose to be my tester... mainly because I have 2 growing quite well and I know their female so if I lose one in the name of science all is not lost :) remember I said earlier that my ferts for veg are as foloow brer rabbit organic molasses, fox farm "grow big", and superthrive. I chose to add all three to a gallon of water at the rate of 1/4 teaspoon to a gallon of water. For a combine total amount of ferts per gallon coming in at 3/4 teaspoon to a gallon. Can't wait to post my findings and get response.

Thanks for tuning in

Stay faded


Well-Known Member
so why wont u QUIT watering so much, twice a day, too much at this point. adding nutes, they r too small/young. molasses is for use during flowering. dont water but every 3rd day, lay off the nutes & molasses, & u should see ur plants perk back up & stop discoloring & having these problems.


Oh and DD420 special question just for you concerning your comment above about plant size and node spacing. At 3 weeks you say your plants are already usually 12 inches tall and have 8 to 10 nodes? My question is are you considering 3 weeks old from germination , or are you considering a rooted clone grown from the time it gets roots to 3 weeks out under a veg light? Because these plants of mine are approaching 2-3 weeks old depending on the plant but I'm counting time all together from when I first germinated the seeds to now. Not three weeks into veg! Hope that clears up a little more about my siituation so its easier for you guys to give accurate suggestions based off of my plants age and condition.

Thanks again ya'll

Stay faded



Yeah you're right about the amount I've been watering (too frequent) however that has now bee adjusted to like you suggest about every 3rd day. As far as nutes check out my last post I plan on using one of my plants as a test subject to see how much nutes my strain werewolf can take this young with out burning the plant in any way... if my test becomes successful I will learn necessary info about characteristics of my strain to better grow it the next time! ;) its all a learning process for me. Thanks for your help and coming along with me on my "bud quest" also my gdp has these rust spots on some of its leaves and others of its leaves are perfectly green and look good what's that about?


Well-Known Member
at that age it could be from overfertilization or a magnesium deficiency...it never hurts to add epsom salts (2 tsp per gallon) to ur watering every other time.