Few Different Problems...


Active Member
Hi guys, I hope its not a problem to ask in the same thread few questions together, because I have all those questions and I made pics and I wanna share them all...
First thing is that one of my plants is growing in some weird angle so his roots came out of the soil - take a look:

My second problem is insects... there some very little flying insects that are going around and I believe they came from the soil because I have no idea where else could they come from - are they any danger? what do I do about them - I made a macro picture so you can see what I'm talking about:


my other question is whats wrong with those leaves:

http://zombajo.741.com/leafs.jpgand the last one is about clonings. I tried to make something from nylon so that it's around the clonings and it keeps the humidity high. Its around 25-30 degrees there all the time. I spray with water 3 times a day and put boiling water into the glasses that you see on the pic. Can you give me better suggestions on how to make that without spending lots or even any money? :)

Thanks a lot to everybody who had the nerves to take a look at all my problems, hope I didn't loop way to amateur, but what can I do... :)


Well-Known Member
i cant say much about your other problems but i can give u some advice about clonong,i had problems the first few time when i tryed,now what i do is,i have a aquarium and a piece of glass that i use to cover the top keep my 2 18w flourous 10-15cm away dont close the top completely leave a little crack for some fresh air and i use soil for clones which has some cloning hormon in it and alot of perlite i also use transparent plastic cups whit some holes in the bottom so i can see the roots developing spray once a day maybe twice and dont worry to much be patient,and when i have alot of clones and they cant all fit in my homemade cloner i leave some in a cup half full of water 30cm from the lights beside the cloner and they root in about 2-3 weeks

yuri orlov

Well-Known Member
spray it on and under the leaves on the stem just dnt use to much soap a lil dish soap works i had flys got rid of them in 2 nites


Active Member
it sounds really weird, but i'll try ... as long as noone gave me any other oppinion ... how about the rest of the situations? noone knows anything?


New Member
Prop up the stem and cover the roots with diatomaceous earth or sand. The leaves look burnt, but you do have pests.... a mild solution of non-detergent soapy water for the pests. Put cuttings in water and stop misting them and just make sure the humidity is high enough; if they don't wilt the humidity is high enough. ;-)


Active Member
So you think that there's no need to put some hot water within there? if they look up it means they're fine? but does it mean that they are making roots? for the fly's I did once spray whole over with soapy water, now they sleep and when they wake up I'll spray again ... I didn't know what proportion should I make so I used 3 injects of liquid soap on 200ml of water... I hope its fine... and the burned leaves are only on one of my plants which is a different breed from the others. I couldn't really well understand what should I do with the roots because I don't know where to find that kind of earth, but the plant looks really healthy and grows with about 1 inch every day ... so should I do anything with it? The plant is over 18 inches already...
Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
For flying insects just grab a sticky trap man. Its like a piece of cardboard flypaper. just leave it next to your plants and it should solve the problem...


Well-Known Member
get yellow flying bug traps, add a few drops of all natural biodegradable dishsoap per litre the roots are likt that because the seed was planted \ not | ive had it my plant just bent back up.


Active Member
I already tried with the soapy water and it seems to be working, today I saw just one fly ... I sprayed again ... :)


hi man

problem one -the roots coming out of your soil = dont worry normal

problem two- fly bugs they look like fungus gnats = put a layer of sand on top of your soil about 25mm thick they lay their larvae in the soil and can attack your roots also flying sticky traps.

problem three-yellowing on tips of leaves = check your ph your nute strenght with ppmand also do that with your run off and go from there and adjust to proper strenghts and ph :peace:



Active Member
thanks to you all...
about the clonings... one of them seems to be working well the other one not so much... we made something new that we haven't really read anywhere, but tought it should work ... we're boiling some water in a big pot and turning it on/off in 30 minutes. all of the plants seem to be doing well like that and check out what we built. if someone has some experience or sees that something is really wrong should say so:)
