FIM and Top


Well-Known Member
Is there a stage or age after which you wouldn't want to engage in either fimming or topping?

Is there a number of times after which your diminishing returns makes fimming/topping (without training) a waste of time?


Well-Known Member
The point at which you FIM or top really depends on when you want to flower. I wouldn't FIM or top and immediately throw the plant into flower. I'd wait a week or two for the plant to 'bush out'. I've also found that topping more than twice is sort of a waste indoors. Your mileage may vary.


Well-Known Member
homebrewer, I see diagram after digram of people fimming and topping between the fourth and fifth internode, suggesting a very young plant. If I were to do it (top) once, would you recommend that degree of youth? And may I assume that you prefer topping?


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'll top once at the 6th or 7th node, then supercrop in flower as an attempt to even out the canopy.

In regards to your question, I wouldn't have an issue topping a clone that young but would wait a little bit if growing from seed. My own practices and my reasons behind them are based on what works best for my space and environment; which is not to say you can't top at the node that you're suggesting.