FIMing a straight to 12/12 clone


Active Member
So, I took a bunch of clones and had extra roomd from two of my plants turning out female. With two of my extra clones, I popped them directly into 1.5gallon pots and into the flowering room (getting them high enough was a challenge lol). I decided to try and experiment and FIM one and not the other.

The one I did FIM seemed to take it and be like "dick, why did you do that?" kept growing (like 2 inches a day!) and just one solid top.

I had issues with its mother when I tried FIM'ing her also. I ended up having to do it twice to see any results.

Is it not possible to top a flowering plant? (It isnt showing flowers yet now even, about a week later), Or maybe just the fact it was only about 3 inches tall when I popped it in and it was growing to fast to work?

If the question really needs pics I can get some, but I have FIMed a few times before, always the same way and it worked wonderful on every plant except this one, so it may very well be genetics.

tl;dr: Can you FIM a plant that went directly into 12/12 after being rooted from clone?