Finally asking for help


Active Member
update: check my post on page 2 for pics

Okay, first let me start off by saying this is my first attempt at growing. Im working with half a closet that i have partitioned off into its own section...

I have been reading as much info and googling everything i can think of. I've even been trolling these forums for the the better part of a month...but have finally decided to ask for help...

I guess for you guys to help me out, i should give you as much info as i can about my grow so far...but i know some of you may be too high to stayed tuned in for too long so i'll try to keep it kind of short.

I germinated my seeds in a folded up paper towel that i put in a glass mason jar with a little bit of water in the bottom.

I used about 10-15 seeds. Bag seed, but hand picked over about a month's time. i only chose the biggest ones. Most of which were from a botched dank grow from my friend. he had some really good plants growing, but forgot to kill his males:confused::confused:....there were plenty of seeds to choose from...

After sprouting I planted 4 of the best looking sprouts in a long planter. About a foot and a half long and 6-8 inches wide. 8-10 inches deep. I placed them outside in the natural light until they started to grow. One of them never unfolded its embryo died just as they appeared...idk why.

The other three were moved inside and placed under a lamp. Only had a 75W bulb, but it was a sylvania reveal (full light spectrum). They loved that bulb, after being outside for nearly a week and only growing about 2 inches, they shot up to about 4 1/2 inches in just a couple days. Maybe 3 days...

By then I had sectioned off my closet (ghetto rigged it pretty much) and i used clorox to disinfect the walls, and vacuumed the carpet really really well. I have Foil on the walls all around the plants.

I have a light with a 150 replacement CFL ( so like 42 watts i think?) hanging about an inch or so above them, and i have another bulb on the floor next to them. I am running a full 24 hrs right now. But plan to cut back to 6 or 8 hours of dark soon, and stay that way until i decide to flower them.

Only two remain. One died because i tried to transplant it to another planter and messed up its roots i think...

So two remain.

Plant #1 is about 9 inches tall. It's embryo leaves are died and almost totally gone. It has one node with just one leaf on either side half way up the stalk, and 1 node with 3 leaves, 1 with 5 leaves and is working on sprouting another node now.

Plant #2 is only about 7 inches tall. The stalk is not as thick, and it does not have the number or size leaves as the larger one.

plant 1 has been the one thats always been a tad bit closer tot he light than ther others...i guess thats why its bigger...or just different types of seeds?

And now i give you my problem...

When i first put the plants in my closet, the bulb that was in their was still the 75W Reveal. I knew that 75W was almost a waste of time once they get past i went and got the CFL bulb that is in there now.

The same day my room mate (who started his first grow at the same time, his plants have more branches than mine but are not as thick and have leaves half the size of mine, his are really lanky) had gotten some miracle grow plant food? I put a few drops in their water later that day.

The next morning when i woke up, i was horrified!!! Plant #1 was drooped over, almost touching the ground!!!!! and Plant #2 was turning YELLOW!!!!

I staked plant #1 and just hoped they would pull through. When i got home from work they were still like that...but i had felt the stem on plant #1 and it was really soft in the spot it had drooped over, but was now much stiffer...

The next morning Plant #1 was upright again and growing a new node. Leaves are all still very droopy, but they are pretty big too.

Plant #2 has never drooped. its leaves still nice a broad, and its still growing, but its bottom leaves (the first node after embryo leaves) are almost totally yellow now...

And the same node on plant #1 is starting to curl at the tips...

are these nodes supposed to die off?

Will plant #1's leaves spread back out? They feel stiff, like they are just taking the drooped over shape and getting stiff there. They were very soft when they first drooped...

Did they start to droop and yellow naturally or do you guys think it was just shock from the change of light and the new plant food on the water?

Noob in need of help! Please! ( sorry that ended up not being short AT ALL lol)

I have tried to keep from taking pictures of them, but i can if i really need to. I dont trust verizon's privacy enough to use my blackberry to take pictures, and i dont have a digital camera, just a video camera...


Well-Known Member
pics needed. for sure.
You fed them way too early. do you have them in seperate containers now? your going to need more lighting soon if u choose to go indoors, but your best bet is it move them outside in a month or so and leave them there. how much money can u invest? how often are you watering? it sounds like they are stretched pretty bad.


Active Member
they dont seem stretched...not compared to my room mates. Ive kept the light very close and all the nodes of leaves are grouped very close...they are just kinda high up on the plants. my room mates though are really lanky and have really small leaves cause he kept a really small (40W) light too far away from them...

$$ is tight. im getting a new car next week, so all my extra pocket money is saved for tags/title/insurance stuff... Outside is not possible anymore because of where i live. I water about every other day or so. i was watching the soil on top and watering when it would get dry, but then read somewhere that event hat was too much water...

They are not separate. they are together, about a foot apart in the soil. Im only going to keep one of them once i figure out which if either are female...

oh yes i forgot, i ghetto airated the soil by poking holes with my finger...


Well-Known Member
keeping them in the same pot is very bad, once the roots get all tangled your fucked, lol, if you cut one and leave the other the process of decomposition of the dead plants roots will hurt/kill the plant you keeps roots.......a few pics would really help me to help you. lol


Active Member
i will try to get a picture soon. im not at home right now.

yes i know i shouldnt have them in the same pot. i will be moving one of them in the next day or two. i just dont have much space to work with

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I have seen the seed leaves stick together and kill the plant all you gotta do is flick the little shitty thingy on the end that holds them together off of it. It will then open up and grow. The seed leaves are supposed to yellow and die as the plant grows. Do not use aluminum foil if u can it will cause more problems than solutions if the room is white u have a good enough surface.


Well-Known Member
ok that first light you said; that's incandescent right? not going to help you at all

the 42w cfl would be good for 1 plant and it dosnt produce much heat so it can be within a few inches of the top of the plant

also, that aluminum foil isnt doing shit. painting the walls white would be a better reflector

i advise scrapping these plants and starting over


Well-Known Member
my ADD keeps me from reading that much ,oh look a kitten

MAN I hate that shit! lol, It get's annoying sometimes! I know exactly what your talkin bout!

But yea to the OP, if you could get some pix when you get to the plants it'd help. Like dude said, you fed them nutes way to early! And have been watering to much IMO. I have clones with 10 nodes that are 8 inches tall in solo cups and I still only water less than twice a week. When you water them, DRENCH ALL of the soil, (gotta have holes in the bottom of your pot) untill you get a little run off. Then like the Beatles say, LET IT BE! lol, don't need to water again untill the top 2 inches of soil or so are dry. Or just pick up the pot, you'll learn how heavy they are when they've been watered, and how much lighter they are when they need some water.


Active Member
hooked, thanks for the watering tip. i will use that method, it seems the easiest to keep up with.

Kale, yes the first 75W was a regular incandescent bulb. it was one of those Reveal bulbs that looks like the glass is blue... The new light is a CFL that puts off 2700 Lumens. it was the highest Lumen count i could get at the Kroger next to my house.

I will post either pictures or a short video later.

BTW, i have a fan running in the top of my closet that i run for most of the day. not ALL day, just when im home, since i have two lights and the fan on the same extension cord. not trying to start any fires...


Well-Known Member
hooked, thanks for the watering tip. i will use that method, it seems the easiest to keep up with.

Kale, yes the first 75W was a regular incandescent bulb. it was one of those Reveal bulbs that looks like the glass is blue... The new light is a CFL that puts off 2700 Lumens. it was the highest Lumen count i could get at the Kroger next to my house.

I will post either pictures or a short video later.

BTW, i have a fan running in the top of my closet that i run for most of the day. not ALL day, just when im home, since i have two lights and the fan on the same extension cord. not trying to start any fires...
lol, I've got x12, 26 watt lights - x2, 4 inch, 50 CFM bathroom fans for intake - and x1, 450 CFM fan for exhaust all running to a surge protector that's plugged into 1 extention cord that's plugged into a wall. I was worried about fires ay first too. But after having the lights and fans on every day for the past 7 month's and working from 8 to 5 everyday not being able to go make sure there's no fire. I feel pretty confident and safe.

I REALLY don't think 2 lights and 1 fan running off 1 extension cord is gonna start a fire! lol


Active Member
Here are some pics. I made a video but for some reason cant get my blackberry to send it :(

if anyone has a blackberry tour, you can help me with this issue too :bigjoint:

the leaves that are yellow and dying are the outliers on the bottom. the embryos are just tiny brown nubs anymore. both plants are sprouting new leaves on the top. And they have both grown about an inch since yesterday. As you can see by the tape measure. Yesterday they were only at 9" and 7 1/2" for the smaller one. They are both taller in these pictures, so they are growing.

Still under 24/0 light

The bulb on the floor is still just a 40w that i am going to change either today or tomorrow (when ever i can get to the store). It is the base from an old lava lamp i had sitting around. I have some 60lbs wire that i may use to hang it.

also, the "lumpy" soil is my ghetto aeration system. ie, my finger poking a couple holes.

I only plan on keeping 1 of them. i dont think there is enough room for both. Plus too much smell...



Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry about fires, lol, I've got 10 40w and 3 42w and 3 fans all on the same line and ive never had any problems. i would advise using a surge protector though. what are your temps at? I advise using the lift the pot watering method. what is your ph at? heat or moisture stress or ph lockout are my prime suspects.


Active Member
I wouldnt worry about fires, lol, I've got 10 40w and 3 42w and 3 fans all on the same line and ive never had any problems. i would advise using a surge protector though. what are your temps at? I advise using the lift the pot watering method. what is your ph at? heat or moisture stress or ph lockout are my prime suspects.

1. temp = idk, would guess an average of 70*-ish its pretty much room temperature, the lights arent giving off much heat and i run a fan whenever the lights are on.

2 ph = i have no friggin clue.

I didnt think i would be needing to keep up with temps and ph and all that. i started all this project just to see if i could get one to grow but didnt think they would, and they started to grow, so now im trying to make up the learning curve.


Well-Known Member
didnt think i would be needing to keep up with temps and ph and all that. i started all this project just to see if i could get one to grow but didnt think they would, and they started to grow, so now im trying to make up the learning curve.

you thought wrong. lol. all of that is pretty crucial for good growth. I think you may have ph lockout which prevents the plants from absorbing nutrients..


Active Member
didnt think i would be needing to keep up with temps and ph and all that. i started all this project just to see if i could get one to grow but didnt think they would, and they started to grow, so now im trying to make up the learning curve.

you thought wrong. lol. all of that is pretty crucial for good growth. I think you may have ph lockout which prevents the plants from absorbing nutrients.. do i fix this?


Well-Known Member
get a ph reader, properly ph your water to 6.0-6.5 approx and flush the hell out of it. lol. run at least 3 times as much ph'd water as their is soil through the soil(1 gl pot=3 gl water).


Or you can leech the soil like said before and then take this time to repot and add lime in your soil this will neutralize the pH better for future F*Ups Also it could be a magnesium prob I add 1tsp of epsom salt to every other gallon i use usually the feeding with no nutes