finally some backbone

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Yes, I saw this on facebook this am. Excellent letter from someone worth paying attention to. I'll send a note of support and agree we all should.

Dr. Bob


Active Member
That prosecutor needs to be voted out next time around. One thing I dont get is at the letter head it is dated the November 4th but it references the election on the 6th, He can see in the future?



Well-Known Member
That prosecutor needs to be voted out next time around. One thing I dont get is at the letter head it is dated the November 4th but it references the election on the 6th, He can see in the future?

Maybe he new what the future would hold and wrote it befor lol

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
I sent a letter of support and called Dillon's office. He is taking heat from the more senior reps over this letter, and it may cost him some key committee positions. Integrity doesn't have a price. This guy showed what he is made of and our community should at least send him a note of support to let him know we recognized the risk he took for doing the right thing and supporting the rights of the voters of Grand Rapids.

His office number and email address are right on the letter.

Dr. Bob