Fine for pot in Denver could go down to $1


Well-Known Member

DENVER - A city panel in charge of overseeing marijuana possession crimes in Denver recommended on Wednesday that the fine for possession be set at $1.

If Denver's presiding judge accepts the recommendation from the Denver Marijuana Policy Review Panel, the fine would be the lowest in the entire nation for marijuana possession.
The panel was created by Mayor John Hickenlooper in December 2007 after voters passed an ordinance that made it so adult marijuana possession is the city's "lowest law enforcement priority."
In May 2008, the city attorney's office made it so those cited for the crime can mail in their fines instead of having to appear in court. At that time, the city attorney's office assigned the value of the fine at $50.
"By setting the fine at just $1, we are sending a message to Denver officials that the era of citing adults for using a less harmful drug than alcohol is over. It's simply not worth the city's time or resources," said panel member and SAFER Executive Director Mason Tvert, who coordinated the successful Denver marijuana initiatives.

Lt. Ernest Martinez with the Denver Police Department is also part of the panel and voted against lowering the fine.

"There's no indication that there's a problem with the fine schedule," Martinez said. "The panel is going outside the bounds of the language of the ordinance."
Martinez thinks there should be more dialogue about the changes.

Cops and their fucking agenda.


Well-Known Member
i am outraged! the fine should be no more than 75 cents! i can't afford a whole dollar every time i'm caught smoking in public! :bigjoint: what are they trying to do? bankrupt me? :-P


Active Member
that's awesome, but what's the point of even charging if they will only get $1 fine. Seems like they would lose money in the Cops even writting it up

Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
That pisses excellence..... "pack our shit wife we are headed west" "seriously i will be in the car" "now women"......... these events actually took place lol


Well-Known Member
LOL! ...expect a wave of non locals to be moving to CO soon! Remember- treat our state well and it will treat you well back! :)

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
thats crazy i did not know that
how is it in colorado
because it turns out in a few months that is where I am moving too
Colorado (Denver in particular) is one of the most herb friendly places. They have laws against SMOKING herb in public, but just having it wont get you in trouble. I have friends who smoke right on their front porch, and on a still night, you can smell it for a block. Nobody gives a shit. People there are really laid back about herb there.

And, there are a lot of home brewers and home growers there. You will find some connoisseur grade herb and beer, everywhere you go.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
that's awesome, but what's the point of even charging if they will only get $1 fine. Seems like they would lose money in the Cops even writting it up
Thats exactly the point. S.A.F.E.R.'s intention is to make herb the "lowest enforcement priority" so cops wont even bother to write them.


I live in Fort Collins, about 70 miles north of Denver, and it is the best place to blaze, other than Boulder. Boulder and Fort Collins are college towns and police have more important things to worry about, i.e. DUI's, and other alcohol related incidents, then to give a shit about weed. Just got my medical too so the cops cant fuck with it. HAHAHA love COLORADO!!! HOLLA!!