finishing tips?

I have two plants under 3 32W and 1 40W CFL and the are about 3 1/2- 4 weeks into flowering anything I can do to maximize my yield
IMG_20130626_014219.jpgIMG_20130626_014316.jpgIMG_20130626_014343.jpgIMG_20130626_014352.jpgIMG_20130626_014338.jpg the 3 pictures with the damaged leaves are of the one plant (second picture to the right)
Any help is appreciated!!!

I'm planning on re-vegging after a small harvest since the buds are small and "pop-corn" like



Well-Known Member
If you want to increase your yield, add significantly more lighting - probably twice what you have now. Re-vegging won't really help if you don't have much light to begin with.

Try to get the basics down before you worry about increasing yields. Your plant doesn't look to be in the healthiest shape. Check temps, humidity, pH, make sure you're feeding the plant(s) correctly, ensure your bulbs are within close proximity to the plants without scorching the leaves/buds. Managing all those elements of your grow will help you produce a healthy yield without entertaining the thought of re-vegging.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
More Lighting and co2.. I woukdnt reveg... Your only almost halfway there.. The buds will get bigger


Active Member
I'm also about to add co2 to my setup. It's only a 2x2x5 tent so I'm thinking about just using sugar+yeast to ferment.

There's all sorta fo ways you can provide co2 though. You can spray seltzer water on your plants for direct foliage feeding. You can get a co2 tank with regulators and meters and all kinds of fancy shit to auto magically do co2 for you. You can get 5 gallon buckets full of co2 now also.
well this grow is not the most technical just a small CFL first indoor grow... Definitely not the best but it's mine that's all I can really say about it.
but would spraying seltzer water on my plants help with the flowers too that's all I want right now is just a bigger yield increase over the last 4 weeks


Active Member
Theres tons you can do to increase yields but too much this late in the game. I've never read anything on spraying seltzer water on your plant, I have heard of foliar feeding though. You need to start a new plant, get a Ph up and down kit and some nutes I recommend fox farm trio. Grow you plant veg for 2 months or more. A bigger plant means more buds. Make sure your lights are adjustable and able to be moved around A LOT. Control height by leaving the lights a little further away to make the plant stretch a little. Learn to control stretching, I just learned you can grow amazing buds on a plant that you top, and then let stretch about 3 inches. I now have a 12/12 from seed plant under cfl's that have 4 massive colas that are about 6 inches or more. I grew another plant that was the same age and I didnt allow it to stretch and it didnt yield nearly as much. C02 can be used in a small tight space. You just need to use loads of sugar, and also you have to shake the bottle a lot and that can get messy because it kinda squirts out sugar water and it gets sticky


Well-Known Member
More lighting, Co2, grow your plants shorter and bushier to maximize light exposure to the buds and feed then Cyco Potash and Swell.


Active Member
well this grow is not the most technical just a small CFL first indoor grow... Definitely not the best but it's mine that's all I can really say about it.
but would spraying seltzer water on my plants help with the flowers too that's all I want right now is just a bigger yield increase over the last 4 weeks
Don't spray you plants with anything if it's already in flower. Can cause mold issues.

Only foliar feed in veg.


Well-Known Member
For CO2 i use 1/3 approx. cup sugar, 1 package quick rise yeast (for bread making), put it in a pop bottle, add some lukewarm water, shake it up. The yeast eats the sugar and the byproduct of the yeast eating the sugar is large amounts of carbon dioxide. Make sure you leave about 1/4 to 1/3 of the bottle empty because the yeast will 'foam' up. I leave the cap off of mine, but alot of people put a hole in the cap with a little rubber hose in the cap going to the plant.
IMO i prefer to have my co2 ABOVE the plants iff possible ( i put mine on a closet shelf at the top) because CO2 is a very heavy gas. it falls and settles at the bottom of whatever its in. By placing them at the top, imo i feel like they get a better PPM of co2 in the air that way because it gets circulated by the small fans. A bunch of co2 at the bottom of your room sitting there while the lighter air blows around over top isnt much use. It need to get to the leaves for the plant to use it. Most plants can use many many many times the co2 that is available to them naturally, as a result of plant evolution when co2 levels in the air were higher.
I use 3 pop bottles on a top shelf. Lasts for a couple weeks, smells like baking bread. get rid of it when it smells like booze.

BTW i definitely noticed a difference in rate of growth after i added co2.


Well-Known Member
last 2 weeks water then ph water only,last 3 days pull big leaves plus let the plant dry out till you see really bad drooping leaves then cut the leaves and hang. yeah waiting to smoke sucks, but 99% iso is the way to go for trim, you'll smoke hash until it all dries.


Well-Known Member
co2 boost bags for $50 last 6-7 months and specifically made for rooms 4x4 n less.. just hang it and thats it. works great , been using them for a few years now with great results my girls 075.jpg i had this bag down just to take a pic ,make sure you hang it above your plants

Sampson pimpson

New Member
Dry ice baby...either slow released via cracked open cooler somewhere above the height of the plant with fan focused towards plant (co2is heavy and drops down) but most pimpins seem to hang a few pots of hot water around grow area, using a mallet while covering the ice w paper they chip that shit up, ALWAYS WEARING GLOVES:lol: and then distribute the chips uniformly into those hot water pots. Sounds it makes sounds like belzybub fo who, but dip the fuck on outta there because you gotta pay bills and shit so you don't wanna do the whole " I offed myself with toxic levels of co2, sorry grandma, lol... do it with lights on because of the fact that plants use co2 during this time. Don't worry about the lightbulbs... despite how it appears they call it dry ice for a reason. A solid that becomes a gas not a liquid. After about 30minutes, air out the room as co2 becomes unhealthy for the plants after certain amounts are absorbed. If anyone here disagrees with this logic, listen if they know their shit. Pick my suggestion apart, even if nothing is left in the end....that way I'll read what they say and learn something from more experienced pimps. The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing." Rock on....dry ice at grocery stores most times woot woot ! But all that is after you bone up on restoring health and lights..."


Well-Known Member
Did you say to add dry ice? I think i saw that. Dry ice? Nawwwwww, really? Does this work really really?

ii dP ii

dry ice is literally solidified CO2 gas. so yeah adding dry ice works. it also lowers your temp for the hour or two that it's in there, bonus for anybody struggling with heat issues. I'm pretty sure it only works in smaller spaces though. like the sugar and yeast method. 4x4 or so.