First Breed: LA Confidential x Skywalker Cross


Active Member
Picked up some seeds in my dimesacks, planted 4 (3x skywalkers and 1 la con.), 2 skywalkers ended up being male, so I was able to get one female from each strain. Haven't done much research on breeding, so I just kept all 4 in my tent and let them do their thang. Took out the 2 males approx. week 4 of flowering, the girl's pistils are already starting to curl up back into their pods.

To those experienced breeders out there, how do you think this cross will turn out?
Also, since this grow is just for a steady seed supply, and not for yield, do you think that the size of my pots (approx 1.5-2 gallon pots?) will decrease the quality of the seeds?

To anyone else, feel free to leave any comments or questions on my grow :D


The pic. with the single cola the LA Con.
& the pic with the multiple colas is my trained Skywalker


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will turn out, and the pot size isn't going to affect the genetics. You should get quite the number of different phenos from them. Good luck.


Active Member
Awesome, how many seeds does a plant usually produce? I know this is a really abstract question, but how much should be the very least be relative to the size of my plants?

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
any time you cross a couple great strains, you should get something decent in between the two along with some hybrid vigor. expect a few hundred seeds anyways depending on how many pistils were out & got sprayed. if you're really out to get the best cross possible, then just back cross your offspring back to each other and start selecting for the traits you like best. that will give you a wider range of phenos to chose from.

here's a primer on breeding