first bubbleponic grow


New Member
I'm cutting back a bit in anticipation of not being able to take with on my cruise vaca. NO bud before 4:20! Is it friggin 4:20 yet! LOL! This discipline thing is hard and way overrated!

Remember, the males are almost always the biggest and baddest in veg. Don't become too emotionally attached. A pleasant surprise is much better! When the going gets tough, the tough make oil and then it ain't so tough no more!


Active Member
haha man there may be a way you can bring some....i have a buddy who goes to cali twice a year and every time he brings back about a quarter of the good stuff from the med shops.....he usually puts about three dryer sheets in the bag with the weed and then puts that in about 6 more plastic ziplocs.....then he puts the bags inside of a shampoo bottle and then puts the shampoo bottle inside of another ziplock with some dryer sheets and then inside the carry on bag and gets away with it every single time!!! sooo if ya want some on ur cruise bad enough maybe you can try that!!! do they have k-9's or something?? and damn dont say that cuz my plant did big and bad durin veg!! haha she still isnt showin me any signs of sex yet.....ive noticed that males usually show in about 4-5 days based on my buddies grow cultivation that hes runnin!!! his females always take damn near a week to show themselves......


New Member
OH, I've taken with in the past! Even though the DC airport where security is tight. Usually just tape it to my leg but this is for my son's wedding so I'm not taking any chances. I also have some of Roseman's blender hash and had a plan to keep it in my wallet but got talked out of it. The 5 days without will reset the burnout factor. When I get back I will travel with a cloud like Pigpen! LOL!


Active Member
oh yea i dont plan blame ya!!! i would be pissed if my dad missed my wedding cuz he was tryin to get his toke on!!! so you and roseman must live pretty close to one another!! well if my baby turns out male then i'll ask him how to make hash with it!! is it fairly hard?? ive heard you can blow shit up making it but i thought that was only meth.....


New Member
No we don't live within a 1000 miles of each other but if we did . . .

Blender hash is really easy.

What you need:

Frozen Fan leaf
A blender
1 qt of Isopropel alchohol
A big metal bowl
A metal permanent coffee strainer
A spatula
a rolling pin or something round and cylindrical like a piece of pipe.

Take your fan leaves, dry them for 7 days or more stirring occasionally to eliminate any potential for mold. You want them crunchy dry. The night before you plan to do it, put them in the freezer.

Next you fill your blender 1/2 full of crushed leaf. Add 1/2 qt of ISO, Blend for a couple of minutes. Now add the rest of your leaf and the rest of the bottle of ISO and blend for another minute or two. Make sure you hold the lid on. Don't ask me how I know to do that! LOL!

After it is blended hold your metal filter over your metal bowl and poor the green liquid through the filter slowly. You will end up with a glop of leaf material in the filter. Let it drain slowly and when it stops dripping take your spatula and press down lightly. You don't want to force too much vegetable matter into the bowl. Get most of it but not every last drop.

You will be left with a green liquid composed of Iso and oil. Now comes the hard part. You have to wait about a week for the ISO to evaporate leaving the sticky oil at the bottom. Iput the bowl on my router to speed things along. That is why you use a metal bowl. You will have to scape the oil from the sides with something like a kitchen knife or the blade from a box cutter and it sort of flakes off.

Make sure it is totally dry. Smoking ISO can damage your lungs!

Take your green flakes and smoke or do what I do and gather your flakes into a cig cellophane. I get about 2 grams/oil per oz of leaf. Wrap it up like a christmas present and tape it shut. You will have a small package. Now take a small piece of newspaper and wrap your package like a present. Wet it under the faucet till it is soaked. Warm up the oven to 175-200, place soaked package on cookie sheet and warm for 10 minutes. The soaking prevents any burning of the product. After 10 minutes, take the package out and take your roller pin and press that sucker flat as possible. Stick in the freezer for about 1/2 hour and presto chango you have an Iso hash bar flat enough to carry in your wallet.

Tear off the newspaper,cut the cellophane off and enjoy. I top a bowl with 1/4" piece and rocket to worlds unknown! My oil has a doggy downer, very relaxing effect. There is little chance of a blow-up doing it this way.

I have a pollen box to remove the real hash from my buds as I break them and the wife sprinkles some on almost every bowl.

I've also done the butane extraction method and you're right you can blow yourself up with that. but so far so good after doing that 10 times. I'll explain that later. I'm tired of typing! LOL!


Active Member
lol wow that seems fairly easy enough for a college student such as myself!!! hahaha im gna try that for sure if shes a male!!! would i need to take the male thru a full flower period so it can get some thc or would it have an ample amount of thc when it shows its sex?? and i jst found out today that i get to be the father of two female super skunk plants cuz my buddys apt manager went into his apt today and found all of his plants but luckily she jst gave him till monday to get them outta there without any authority notification so im gna take two females!!!


New Member
Nope, if it shows male I cut it and use the leaves. They have some level of hash oil making ability. It is a bit strain dependant on how much. Some are powerful and some aren't but the worse that could happen is the waste of a $2 bottle of Iso and some time but you do get practice on the making and when you oil the fan leaves of the females it will always be there. It's a little hard to get males through a flowering cycle. They usually die off shortly after they shoot their wad! Maybe it's just a long nap! Us senior can't do it like you young bucks! LOL!

Congratulation on your female adoption! Let's help them grow to some fine young woman shall we!


Active Member
the only problem i may have is that ima bubbelponic type of guy and these plants are soil?? soo ehh you may have to help me alot but im jst gna follow his feeding schedule nd i should be ok but i suck at soil growing!!! haha im gna make him sign a "im not responsible for death" waiver hahahaha!!!!!!!!


New Member
Ha Ha! I certainly wil help you with all I can. I've grown tomatoes (the real ones) for 35 years so soil doesn't scare me at all! LOL! I'm trying to learn about soil so maybe we can both learn.


Active Member
Great start to your grow. gl with it and look forward to more pixs. The hash oil is very simple to make. After you harvest you can your every part of the plant for something. i love growing my own stash its free and more rewarding!


Active Member
soo shes finally startin to show some kinda sex but i cant really tell yet it looks like some oval type of capsule with like a little white tip which im hoping will be a pistil but i think its still a little too early to tell but its been a week already should it be taking this long??


Active Member
ok thanks!!! yea im startin to get anxious!! its lookin like pistil will emerge which is gna make go nuts if it does!!! what nutes would you recommend for flower?? im vegging with flora nova grow and i was gna flower with flora nova bloom but people say i should have like 2 or 3 different kinds so i was thinking of also adding the b.c bud grow i think its called......


Active Member
ok so i had an experienced grower friend come over today and he instantly found the pistils!!! shes a bitch indeed!!! ahh im stoked....


Active Member
i cant really get any closeups cuz of the hps....its too bright for my phone camera but ill have some when you can start to see bud!!! dude i cant beileve it my first plant a girl and dro also!! im freakin out literally


New Member
On the nute question, I'm for sticking with the flora nova bloom formula for a first grow. The Flora Nova Grow got you this far so why change? LOL!


Active Member
lol thanks i appreciate it!!! and ok awesome ill jst keep it nice nd simple!!! im using 2 tsp of the flora nova grow per 5 gal of water so would i jst keep the sme schedule and gradually increase or do i need to start back at 1/4 strength??


New Member
Same dose for grow and flower. If you have any florakleen that's usually a good time to give them them a 2 hour run but that's a nice to have and not a have to have. I like to run one batch of clear water for a couple of days to flush out any nute build-up and give it sort of a clean slate to work with.