First CFL Grow!2 Moby Dick, White Rhino, ???, and a cup full of schwag!


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I would like to start off by admitting that
A) I'm terrible at keeping up with things, but will do my best to update this grow thread regularly. :grin:
B) I don't measure anything like I should, but will take advice about doing so if necessary.

My grow started off as: 2x White Rhino, 2x Moby Dick
The first plant sprouted Jan 29.
One of the white rhino died right after germination, probably my fault. I was concerned and kept touching it like a retard.
So then I planted one more... I'm not sure what it is, some seeds got mixed up. But it's either Jack Herer, another Moby or "The Church". We shall see.
Then a week or so ago this girl rolled a blunt of schwag and handed me some seeds to throw away. So I planted them in a Jack n the Box cup. :grin:
Original light set up was 3 x 26w CFLs (100 watt equivalent) in a power strip and then 2 more 26w each in a heat lamp reflector. The CFLs in the reflectors were placed strategically over the mounted power strip so that light from those CFLs was amplified with the reflectors above. Another CFL in a reflector was added after I transplanted the older 3 plants. 5 of these are 5600k and 1 is 2700k.

The only problem I had was some crazy heat damage to the Rhino when I suddenly added 4 new lights right beside it and didnt consider heating.. I had been looking for a fan for a while. Finally got one, so I am adding it today and re-adding the lights. Later today I will add 3 more bulbs after setting up the fan. 1 26w 5600k and two small 10w 2700k. I just want more light to penetrate the sides since the plants are more spaced out now that they are larger.

This is the family today:

This was the heat damage. I felt like a bad mama. :sad:
But as you can see in the above pic, she's already perked up and looking a lot better than she did in the pics below (2 days ago).
Luckily only a couple bottom leaves were damaged. At first the discoloration had me considering a nute problem, but a quick glance at the thermometer that said fucking 95 degrees had me convinced. No further damage has been observed since the new lights were removed.

baby timeline pic spam:

and THEN last friday, when they were almost 2 weeks old, I transplanted the 3 older ones (another mini timeline):

little ??? plant and schwag:

2 Moby Dick = Yellow Pots
White Rhino = Light Gray Pot
Mystery Plant = Solo Cup (for now)
Schwag bag seed = Jack n the Box Cup

Forgot to mention, everything but the schwag is feminized.
Also, it's possible that a high quality seed got in the schwag :S woops
More recent pics and light set up coming soon.


Well-Known Member
I thought these were at first, like 4-5 days and they still hadn't germed. Then all of a sudden, they all sprang up out of nowhere.


Active Member
looking good bro i would go wuth the moby. plant looking good bro keep doing what your doing cuz its working out for you, i have just on suggestion when u spray your leafs with water it acts like a magnifing glass and can aalso burn your leafs. other than that im loving your grow


Well-Known Member
looking good bro i would go wuth the moby. plant looking good bro keep doing what your doing cuz its working out for you, i have just on suggestion when u spray your leafs with water it acts like a magnifing glass and can aalso burn your leafs. other than that im loving your grow
Oh gotcha, thanks for the tip. I sprayed them just that one day when I burned the Rhino. Got some air on them, turned off half the lights and sprayed them because I freaked out and didn't want anymore leaves to burn. It was scary!


Well-Known Member
looking good bro i would go wuth the moby. plant looking good bro keep doing what your doing cuz its working out for you, i have just on suggestion when u spray your leafs with water it acts like a magnifing glass and can aalso burn your leafs. other than that im loving your grow
I don't think this is a bro!


Well-Known Member
I just don't want him to get confused! My mother was one of the best growers that I've witnessed


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, honorary bro sounds good to me. :) Lights just came back on, I'll be putting a few more pics up in a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Instead of misting them, I dunk the whole container in a larger bowl of water, then let the soil soak up the water just like a sponge. To check the water level, instead of poking holes in the soil, I just lift each container once a day.

Also about leaf burn, mylar can also cause that. Especially when you go cheap and use emergency blankets or mylar with lots of wrinkles in it. As long as it's only a burn spot here and there I wouldn't worry about it.

Anyway, best of luck to you. Happy growing. :)