First CFL Grow (PICS)


Well-Known Member
quick our set of clones we had made from our indica plant, we're turning yellow same as the whole plant did before. we had them put in peat pucks, and decorative moss around them...well i'm not going to use that moss anymore, i found a little white worm attached to the stem of one of the clones as i was checkin to see if it had roots before i threw it out from the yellowing. long story short, i threw all of the indica clones out. I have the same moss in my sativa clones, but haven't noticed any signs of bugs being in them. I have however been spraying them all (including mamas) with insecticidal soap at every other watering. So that could be it, i don't know? will have some new pictures soon, just wanted to make sure there was a significant different in what you'll be seeing.


Well-Known Member
well my sticky traps haven't caught anyhting but one i guess the insecticidal soap is working :) still waitin on a paycheck to buy more soil so i can transplant my lilttle ones :), well they're not so little anymore, they grow us so fast!! lol