first clone success

Yes! Yes! YES!!

I finaly have a clone with roots. Man it feels good to get one to start roots after killing 6 cuttings.

I ended up using the Walmart method:
5 gal blue container with a lid. Cut a 2 inch hole in the lid. I used tap water right from the facet and made the water slightly warm. Put in an "air stone" using a whisper air 40 gal pump.

I used a styrofoam cup with some slits in the center that I made with my pocket knife to hold the cutting.

I did dip the cutting in some rooting powder "Bonton", the cheap stuff from Walmart. Also I put about 1/2 teaspon of "SuperThrive", also from Walmart, into the water.

Now I just have to transplant it into soil and hope I don't kill it from there.

Later :)