First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*


Well-Known Member
theDona....aci - dude......i wish i freakin knew...really, she germed in the grow room and came out with upward curled leaves and then took her outside and ever since her leaves have been coming out that way bt now shes back in the grow room for a few weeks of veg after the fiming and then into flowering for her so i hope it changes bt if u got any clues or anything appreciate it. AHHHH the hunger! be back soon for ur reply...

That's all new to me too! It almost looks like what regular plants do when thier roots are dry- you know what I mean? Like their leaves curl inward so that they can catch as much rain water as they can and just absorb it thru their leaves........

Maybe you could try to foliar feed them with just straight water? May help- may not- IDK- Check in the plant problem forums maybe there's something in there to help?
I'll check to and let you know what I find............. Be back!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha- ok just did a lil research.........

What's ur humidity like in ur grow chamber?

Try adding a bowl or cup of water in ur room and foliar feed ur plant.......that should help......

Let me know what's up.........


Well-Known Member
Cannacult - nice dude! another 150w setup, thats gonna be ultimate man, so u gonna hav 2 150w hps's then? and the grow big and neem oil will help a shit load too, cant wait to see how ur babies are doing.


Well-Known Member
DonNacci - thanx dude, sounds like a good plan, im not sure what the humidity is exactly but i dont let it get too much cuz i open up the cab and vet it out twice a day and shes only been in there a day now, maybe the bowl of water and foliar feeding will help, also get her root growth up a bit too. thanx allot man.


Well-Known Member
yea man im gonna run 2 150's side by side and once all my current plants are harvested im going to start a Sog style grow with 6plants under the 2 150's

the neem is for these damn nats and shit eating my baby now. and the grow big is for when i have plants in the veg stage. cause i have no nutes for veg. just flower.

btw that bloom burst from expert gardener works really well. i saw a noticable difference in my plants already and its really hard to over feed with it


Well-Known Member
DonNacci - thanx dude, sounds like a good plan, im not sure what the humidity is exactly but i dont let it get too much cuz i open up the cab and vet it out twice a day and shes only been in there a day now, maybe the bowl of water and foliar feeding will help, also get her root growth up a bit too. thanx allot man.
No Problem Manik! I searched a few threads and that's the answer most of them came up with-- Hope that helps!

btw that bloom burst from expert gardener works really well. i saw a noticable difference in my plants already and its really hard to over feed with it
CannaB-that's what I'm usin as far as my ferts go......I was lookin to save some money and not really have to worry too much about what I was puttin in my plants....... It is hard to over feed them with that stuff-- experts good in a pinch...... that's also what I used for my outdoor grow last year- got 1.2 pounds dry off of that beast- and that bagseed smoke was KILLER!


Well-Known Member
Cannacult - sounds like an awesome plan man...see of green is the way to go! im gonna have more of a mini sog with 6plants hopefully. as for the bloom burst, do u know if it may be available in south africa? cuz im not using any nutes for veg either cuz i cant find good ones here so iv just got a honey and mollases mix rite now.

TheDonNacci - thanx man, i just put a cup of filltered water in the room rite under my plant so that should help and im foliar feeding her once a day in the mornings to see a change.

Everybody! - just a quick update - after getting 4bagseeds from my chronic dealer on tuesday i put them in paper towls last nite and this morning one had already split and grown a root so i popped it in soil and now its just a wait for the others to slip and for the first one to sprout. as for Shiva2 in the grow room, shes doing GREAT! taken very well to the cab after being in for almost 2days now on 24h lite and smelling juicer by the day! the Miracle White Widow seedling is doing alright, seems to be growing slow bt its been awhile since iv had a seedling so i think its normal to grow that slow in the begining, and as for shiva1 shes doing good too, trimmed of sum of her lower leaves cuz shes big enough now to be pinned down again.

Will post some pics later today. Jah Bless! and remember..............baked is healthier than fried!


Well-Known Member
Shiva1 - 5weeks and 6days old, pinned her down and trimmed sum fan leaves off to allow branches to grow, shes loving the new sunlight. PIC 3,4,5,6

Shiva2 - 5weeks and 2days old, trimmed a few fan leaves off her too so sum branches could get more light, also added a lamp with a small 9w soft white bulb so now she has 2x 22w warm/w lights above her (44w), 2x 14w warm/w lights on either side (28w) and a small 9whatter in front of her giving her in total about 80w all around with no leaf left in the dark :hump: PIC 1&2

Mww - 7days old, not much i can say, shes staying shrubish wich is a good sign....and yeah thats about it. PIC 7

Bagseed - out of 4 so far 2hav split their case and 1has been in soil for almost a day now, hoping for a sprout in 3 days but i got until new year to wait for all 4to sprout so no rush. as for the other that split, its still in the paper towls until i get home tonight, by then the root should be long enough to go into soil.

last few pics are of the new light and Shiva2 after trim.



Well-Known Member
looking more and more beautiful everyday man!!!!

ill look into nutes you can get in SA. im gonna call my uncle and see too, he'll know some shops where you can go.
i wanna do 6 medium plants in my 6 plant sog or 4 big ones idk which yet....but the best news of the day..............drum roll................

my second biggest showed sex today annd.........................GIRL!!!!!!! thats 2 for 2

got a seedling still in veg.......clone died. lol i need some rockwool and rooting hormone. lol


Well-Known Member
Thanx allot man, shes looking even better this morning, u can now see the 4new top node branches coming up, ill take pics later on. Congrats on the second girl man! 2 outa, im envious of those scores man. my records been 4males outta 4 =/
bt im certain my new baby in the room is a she! oh and i heard sumwhere that the gell rooting hormone works better than the powder supposedly. thanx for the help man, it sux not being able to find tiger bloom and foxfarm nutes or big grow here, they look like they made for growing weed!


Well-Known Member
Shiva1 - 6th week old birthday today, after lsting her down and trimming sum fan leaves that were getting in the way shes looking great, hoping to hav her start growing 4main barnches soon. :weed::weed::weed::weed: Pic 2

Shiva2 - Ooooohwee!! :hump: im loving this bush, shes on week 5 day 3 now and growing good. the 4top nodes are quite big now and should be branching out within the next week and once they get big and shrubish its off to flowering :blsmoke:
i also timmed a few fan leaves off to get more light to the beanches and cuz they had gone yellow and started browing a bit. Pic 3,4

MWW - haha, shes so tiny :mrgreen: got her second fan leaves growing out now so hopefully soon faster growth will happen, just feeding her with a baby seedling formula at the moment i made wich consists of - 1tblsp honey, 2 or 3drops of garlic juice diluted in 2l water and i just giv her a cap full once in the morning and at night and spray her wit the solution once a day. Pic 1 oh, and shes is now just over a week old.



Active Member
eyup tiz i jus postin a cupla pics of wot i iz workin on pic 1 iz a baby cheese pic 2 iz me nl note ow i av grown her like an iz both in me flower box now 2 determin sex o da cheese.will post new pics soon.l8terz.



Well-Known Member
looking fucking sweet Macclad! keep it up man and best of luck to you!

its pretty late rite now over here so im gonna hit the sack bt asap in the am ill be up and hav an update plus pics and all new advances ready for u all. Jah bless and good night!


Well-Known Member
:weed::weed::weed::weed: Happy New Years Eve mother fuckers!! :hump:
Hey everyone! dont got allota time so heres the run down.

I started shiva1's flowering today at 2pm so shes in dark rite now until 2morow 2pm then the 12/12 begins! pics of ho her fim is going are up here.

Shiva1 is going good, put her in bigge pot and she's loving it.
mww is growing good! just over a week now, i also put her into a bigger pot so i wont hav to move her again. Also got this really awesome shit called Palm Peet wich is a brick about 50ml in volume that u put into a 10L bucket and fill the bucket up with 5L warm water and the brick exspands to about 10L of nuetral grow medium...i shat myself! its much like peet moss almost, just compressed until u decompress it. anyway, i go 2bricks cuz it was cheap, only about 2$ a brick. so now im sorted with medium for another 2harvests :weed:

Jah Bless guys and smoke responsibly this holiday...and when i say responsibly i actually mean ALLOT.:joint::joint::joint::joint::hump:



Well-Known Member
:weed::weed::weed::weed: Happy New Years Eve mother fuckers!! :hump:
Hey everyone! dont got allota time so heres the run down.

I started shiva1's flowering today at 2pm so shes in dark rite now until 2morow 2pm then the 12/12 begins! pics of ho her fim is going are up here.

Shiva1 is going good, put her in bigge pot and she's loving it.
mww is growing good! just over a week now, i also put her into a bigger pot so i wont hav to move her again. Also got this really awesome shit called Palm Peet wich is a brick about 50ml in volume that u put into a 10L bucket and fill the bucket up with 5L warm water and the brick exspands to about 10L of nuetral grow medium...i shat myself! its much like peet moss almost, just compressed until u decompress it. anyway, i go 2bricks cuz it was cheap, only about 2$ a brick. so now im sorted with medium for another 2harvests :weed:

Jah Bless guys and smoke responsibly this holiday...and when i say responsibly i actually mean ALLOT.:joint::joint::joint::joint::hump:

That's lookin good my friend! I know exactly what ur talkin about that compressed medium- they actually seel it in pet stores too! I get that shit for my snake cage- it's crazy how much that lil ass brick expands! Never thought about growin in it tho....... good thought!

Good Luck bro and happy holidays!


Well-Known Member
Thanx man. Merry Christmas you guys! my lil sister got me 1/2L curing jar as a present :rolleyes::clap: ahh, shes growing up so fast. as for the palm peat stuff it says on the label that its an ideal growing medium for seedlings and rootings so im just waiting to see how my new seeds go.

heres an update!

Christmas day and my shiva2 is in her fist day of flowering :hump:
one more week until i get my new lights so until then iv moved her further from the lights so she can strench out just a little and show her top branches a bit more bt in the picks ull see they looking great! :weed: and its her 6weeks birthday today!

shiva1 stil doing good, branches are growing bigger now bt still pretty small. is almost 7weeks and still small, im guessing its the medium i used on her.
and the white widow is going strong, still young bt already got her three bladers :hump: shes almost 2weeks old.

Heres some pics, enjoy! AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!! :weed::weed: for the last freakin time i hope, gonna go blaze a merry blunt with my mom and then go hav a roast!! :bigjoint::twisted:

Jah Bless!! One and all...

