First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed


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well there has been a very good amount of growth in the past few days haha. im down to only 3 plants though. i dont know why but a couple of them decided to whither away haha but here are some pictures of the (hopefully) girls. im still on a 12/12 light cycle with all 3 of them and no nutes yet. ive added an extra light bulb to my main 2 for now but the heat gets really high so i eventually gotta go get sum pc fans. ive been REALLY tight on cash though so i havent been able to get anything =/



Well-Known Member
You really need to be on either 18 hours of light or 24 hours of light all the way up until flowering. The 12/12 light cycle is what tells the plants to bloom, and you're nowhere near the flowering stage. The plants probably withered away because they need energy, more light bud! I say since they're CFL's, leave them on for 24 hours for the first month, you won't be using a lot of electricity and your plants will need it if you want any hope of having them live a long live.


Well-Known Member
no im doing 12/12 from seed. ive seen it done a lot of times and they're doing fine. you dont HAVE to veg before you flower. you can do 12/12 as soon as you plant the seed the only thing is that you wont get as much of a yield because the plant wont get as big. i have 3 plants that are growing beautifully. the ones that whithered away was most likely do to something i did. ive done research for years and ive seen sooo many grows that do 12/12 from the start so im not worried about my light cycle or the plants that died. like i said ive got 3 that are alive and kickin


Well-Known Member
Under continuous light Marijuana will grow but will not flower and produce buds. Darkness makes the plants produce flowering hormones and regular undisturbed darkness will make them stop growing and start flowering. But alright man, I was just trying to give you GOOD advice. And honestly if you've done research for years then your setup would be much more efficient than what it is. You're pretty much still in the seedling stage, not even veg... so I would still recommend more than 12 hours of light until they're a few inches tall. What do you plan to do when it gets to the point of flowering? You're going to need more lights than what you've got, so why be fickle now?


Well-Known Member
You should also never put multiple plants in the same container.. they will end up fighting for nutrients and getting their roots all tangled, making it nearly impossible to transplant. I want to help you man, but it seems like you need to do some more research.


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i have 8 lights im only using 2 right now. like u said they're just in the seedling stage so i dont absolutley have to go all out at this moment and like i sed in my other post i dont have the means to make a more "efficient" setup at this moment. so far i feel like and ive been told im doing pretty well considering my plants are alive and growing. im not looking for a big tall plant im looking for something small that will just bud. i dont care how much i get. i dont even care if the buds r shit buds all i care about is making a plant bud right just so i know i can get it going. what im gonna do for flower is add about 6 more 26 watt bulbs as soon as i can tell if its a male or female. if they're all male then im gonna pull them out and start over but if they're female im gonna add much more light. i understand you're trying to give good advice and i appreciate it but ive seen a lot of people grow the way im growing and theyve done fine and so far i am to. if i fail in this grow then congrats you were right and i was wrong but until then lets see what happens


Well-Known Member
its waay to late for me to turn the lights back now haha ive been doing 12/12 for like 2 weeks haha but well see what happens. not trying to be an asshole or nething and sorry if it comes off this way (i always hate trying to have conversations like this over text because tone of voice and body language make a difference haha) but, im not trying to go all out right now. i just want it to grow haha thats all im worried about. i dont care about all the little fine tuning and shit to get a some crazy results. i just want results u know what i mean??
I would also recommend starting your seeds in individual containers. Started mine in a cup. It makes it real easy to transplant and avoid stressing the plant much. That's for future reference though. & I would also recommend you giving them more light during the seedling stage, as far as your lighting schedule goes. Even just bumping it up from 12/12 to 16/8, a somewhat regular person's sleep cycle, you'd get that much more growth in the beginning stages, which would mean more bud sites, & more bud to smoke. Obviously it's too late now, but it's just something you could try in future grows. I, personally, did 24/0 for a couple weeks before switching to 12/12. & my plant is looking great in week 4 and it isn't that tall at all thanks to some training techniques.
How come you started off 12/12 from seed? Just curious to see what the advantages are.


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mainly to just see what happens haha its sumthing thats different then what people usually do but still works so i figured id try it haha and just to get it to bud. im not worried about getting that much bud at all. even if i only get a gram im happy because i grew it you know what i mean? after this grow ill do whatever adjustments i have to next time to get a better yield. right now im just looking to yield and a 12/12 light cycle makes it bud so i figured id start it 12/2 form the beginning. to be completely honest though i didnt do 12/12 literally form the beginning. i did 24/0 until i it came out of the ground. once it was out of the soil and had a stem and everything thats when i switched to 12/12


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i know i should have started 18/6 for a lil while but i wasnt worried about the growth too much. i just want it to bud haha thats all i want.


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o and i totally forgot i didnt start both of them in the same thing on purpose. i put the bigger one in there and the once i turne don 12/12 a couple days later the smaller one in the corner popped up out nowhere because i had put a couple seeds in there before and i had dug them up because i thought they dried out and when i dug them out they did in fact dry out...or so i thought haha but yeh thats how i came upon 2 plants in one container
Yeah i was like wth, how did that little one end up all the way in the corner lol I see. I can't wait for mine to start budding either -_- It hasn't even been that long since I started but I want it to start budding like, yesterday lol I switched to a flowering schedule like 2 weeks ago & i still haven't seen any signs of sex & i'm getting a little antsy. I guess that's why one would start 12/12 from seed huh haha if you really want buds soon..


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thats what i said when it first popped up then i was like "oohhh sick!" haha...yeh my lack of patience was a little motivation for the 12/12 haha but i read it takes like 20-30 days or so to start showing signs of sex so ur almost there! i at about the same amoutn of time in 12/12. about 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
You've got a long way until you determine sex, my friend. You won't be able to determine sex until you're in your 5th or maybe even 6th nodes.

This all adds up to why I encourage more light.

And trust me, I understand this is all a learning experience... which is why I am giving you advice from personal experience I've already gone through. Just "trying" things to see if it works is just asking for failure. Do what works. Check out some of Jorge Cervantes DVD's or Books, he covers a lot of stuff very well for the new grower.


Well-Known Member
This is my grow 3 weeks from seed on 18/6 and I still can't determine sex. I germinated just before the 4th of July.


You've got a way's to go.


Well-Known Member
i wasnt talking about 18/6...I WAS TOLD that once u turn on 12/12 that it takes 20 to 30 days to start showing sex..


Well-Known Member
i wasnt talking about 18/6...I WAS TOLD that once u turn on 12/12 that it takes 20 to 30 days to start showing sex..
i heard that too but its not true. atleast from my own experience it takes tha plants atleast a month before it can show sex. i usually see mine between 4-6 wks. thats me tho not saying its always tru. but for me from bagseed using cfls 4-6wks.


Well-Known Member
i wasnt talking about 18/6...I WAS TOLD that once u turn on 12/12 that it takes 20 to 30 days to start showing sex..
No, within the first week of switching to 12/12 you will see the sex...that is, if your plants are BIG ENOUGH.. like I said man, do some more research. Don't get angry because I'm telling you what works. You were told wrong.