First feed and run off.


Well-Known Member

Measure the ppm of the run off. The difference should be within 200ppm.

Example, I pour a fert solution of 630ppm to a 5 gall fabric pot of coco. A gallon and a half (Early flower in this case).

My run off measures 680ppm. ~50ppm difference.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys Looking for some help as new to this.

Am growing in coco and intend to do first feed today am going to do 1 litre Sensi Coco Grow at 1/4 strength.
If I don’t get run off do I add another litre of mix or just plain water till I get run off.
My first feed is when I prepare my pot before planting.twice the calmag and about 1EC of food.Let soak with some runoff then plant.


Well-Known Member
so if I don’t get run off from the first litre mix another one and go again till run off ?

worryed about over feeding already
No need to worry.

Mix up your nutrients. Measure the EC/ppm of your feed, confirm it's where it needs to be. Measure the nutrient solution pH, confirm it's 5.5-6.5 (5.8 is optimal).

Give your plant nutrient solution until you get about 20%-30% runoff. If it's a seedling I would recommend not feeding it more than once a day. So at lights on I would feed it and leave it alone until the next day.

EDIT: Didn't know what size pots they were in. Starting plants in large pots is usually a bad idea, especially for new growers, but can't do much about that now. That size seedling needs very little water right now. I use a syringe to feed them when they are that small. In 3.5" inch starter pots they get about 40 ml a day.

Also when you fill your cloth pots, fill them pretty much to the top. More medium, more roots.
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No need to worry.

Mix up your nutrients. Measure the EC/ppm of your feed, confirm it's where it needs to be. Measure the nutrient solution pH, confirm it's 5.5-6.5 (5.8 is optimal).

Give your plant nutrient solution until you get about 20%-30% runoff. If it's a seedling I would recommend not feeding it more than once a day. So at lights on I would feed it and leave it alone until the next day.

EDIT: Didn't know what size pots they were in. Starting plants in large pots is usually a bad idea, especially for new growers, but can't do much about that now. That size seedling needs very little water right now. I use a syringe to feed them when they are that small. In 3.5" inch starter pots they get about 40 ml a day.

Also when you fill your cloth pots, fill them pretty much to the top. More medium, more roots.
nice one cheers