First Germination 30hours


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow attempt. I have a really nice grow room setup and have been waiting for this day for about a month now.

I began the germination process around 30 hours ago, two folded paper towels between a couple plates in a drawer. I currently have 10 WW seeds soaking and have yet to see any indication of splitting =( I'm beginning to get nervous.

I used tap water that sat out for 48 hours at room temperature to soak the towels. Am I jumping to conclusions or should I begin to worry?

Any way I can help my little kiddo's out without hurting them?

Thanks :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Welp, 6 of 10 have popped tap roots and 3 more are beginning to split. It was the temperature and humidity. The drawer was around 75% and had a low humidity, so I moved the seeds to the water heater room, 80 degrees and higher humidity. Thats what it was from the beginning I guess.