First grow. 10 easyryder - 10 lowlife AK47. 250w LED

Hello everyone.

I'm just starting out on my first grow. I have zero experince so any help along the way would be great.

My setup:

1.5 X 1.5m grow tent
20 pot Wilma system
250w LED (From hydroponics hut, hope it does what it says on their website)
Some fluorescent tube lights
Canna coco
Canna starter nutes
Ferro bloom nutes (designed for London's hard water, I was told it compliments the minerals already in the tap water)
10 seeds of Easyryder and 10 Lowlife AK47 auto.

I started the seeds off in fleximix cubes. Got 100% germination thankfully as the seeds cost me my last pennies. 4 days after putting the seeds in the cubes i planted them in the coco.

Picture was taken staright after potting.


My plants are now 10 days old. I noticed today that some of the first proper leaves have started curling at the ends. Some of them also look slightly deformed. Is this normal? I am starting to worry as i don't want this grow to go wrong.

Current settings:

Light 20/4
Watering, 15 minute drip feeding every 8 hours. (The canna coco feels dry on top, i pushed my finger in and it feels damp about an inch down)
Nutrients, 300 ppm. There was 200ppm already in the water so added 100ppm of Canna start.
PH set to 5.8

Any suggestions on my settings would be greatly apprecited.



Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It is hards to tell from the pictures but what you are describing (the deformed leaves) could be the genetics of those particular seeds. I have seen that with the designer genetics. They should right themselves and start growing normal leaves soon. I don't know much about those LED lights but it looks like your seedlings are stretching to the light. You will have closer spacing on your nodes if you can manage the lights closer to the top of the seedlings.
Cheers, Little Tommy. I was thinking of getting 2 250w cfl's in there but due to "budget constraints" I can't get them for two more weeks. My LED light is mostly red so I'm not sure if my plants are absorbing or making use of that spectrum in this early stage of growth.


Active Member
I don't think that you need to add anything. 20 plants might be a little too much for the wattage, but thats assuming that everything is going to be female. I'm curious to see whats going to happen.

I have a much simpler setup using a much lower wattage LED panel (though I'm only growing one plant). Click on the link in my signature to check it out.

Good luck!